Walmart Joined The Resistance … For A Moment With Now-Deleted Tweet Calling Out Hawley | Talking Points Memo

Considering the sort of “Christian” he likes to identify himself as, there’s at least a double entendre there.


Thanks @HawleyMO for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 81 million Americans, will you at least apologize for supporting the serial rapist Diaper Don the Con?


Though Trump’s “success” doesn’t inspire confidence, he’s very much the big fish in the small pond thinking he has a shot in the big pond, without any conception of how small he really is taking the breadth of the nation into account.


And for an even briefer moment, I considered ending my 40 year boycott of Walmart…


Red State Republicans are swimming in an encapsulated cyst of their own invention. When he can always muster a meeting of meatheads as mudbrained as himself to peer-assure him that their cyst is actually the real world, it just swells a bit more.
Something is going to pop.


If they had left it up, they would have gained more customers than they would have lost. The MAGA-ts weren’t going to suddenly start shopping at Saks for their overalls and adult diapers.


He doesn’t look at all like Joe Biden!


There’s a difference between subtweeting a politician and tweeting something that forces an employer to issue a statement, thanks.


I never liked Carry as Biden. He always played Biden with an off putting sort of creepy weirdness that doesn’t fit and wasn’t funny. I liked Jason Sudeikis better.


Cf: Dan Crenshaw and Pete Davidson.

(Pete - I doubt you read TPM, but if anyone you know does maybe you’ll get this message: rescind that goddamn unnecessary apology you made to Crenshaw. Please!)


Hawley is a senator. The significance is that there are already nutcase house members who said they will object. Hawley is the senator who will force the most
pointless debate in the history of the Nation.


His very first political election was Missouri Attorney General in 2016. In that election, he promised to serve his entire term. He served from January 9, 2017 – January 3, 2019 (not quite 2 of his 4 year term). He was sworn in to the Senate in 2019. Prior to that first election, he was an associate professor at the University of Missouri Law School.


Simply rich in irony, isn’t it?

Every once in awhile Hawley says something that I agree with, and when I say once in awhile like every other month. I’m chalking it up to he’s a generation behind me, and though I agree about Walmart closing down mom and pop stores, I just know his solution would not be inline with my thinking.

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The picture of Hawley TPM is using for this story is perfect as it showcases the performance he is putting on every single day for the brain-dead masses.

Trump may be gone soon, but 2024 contenders like Hawley, Cruz, Rubio, and Nikki Haley have clearly taken Trump’s lesson to heart - that their 74 million voters simply want to be entertained, own the libs, and don’t even remotely care if you govern responsibly in any way.

Politics is no longer about, “Hi, my name is xxx and I’m running for yyy - here’s how I can help you.” Now, it’s, “Hi, my name is xxx and I’m running for yyy - here’s how I can hurt those people over there that you despise.”


Yeah well that worked for Trump because he is not a politician.

They are all politicians. I don’t think any of it will work the same for any of them. Just look at the Trumpers who have heckled Loeffler and Perdue at rallies in Georgia.


Don’t forget the whole hoohaw over him having to reside in Jeff City and not Columbia, Mo. It’s Missouri law, and he didn’t want to rent an apartment. I guess this means he’s not a textualist.


When Missouri voted to increase the minimum wage via referendum a few years ago where was Hawley? Then it was overturned by the Republican led legislature along with the governor. Did he take the Walmart position on it? Inquiring minds ought to know.


Attacking Walmart with liberal talking points… Priceless.


If Walmart and Josh Hawley had a Fight To The Death … and they rolled equal on their Initiative roll, and fired simultaneously … and they both rolled Critical Hit on their Did It Hit roll … and they both rolled Fatal on their Critical Hit roll … then, then, mind you … I might believe that Einstein was wrong and God does play dice with the universe.

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