Wow. Good luck with that!
This isn’t totally on me. I am not shouldering this alone. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Who knew that the confederacy had its own veterans secretary.
I actually went searching for Wilkie stuff and sure enough, he’s a liar too.
Going on record, none of the sources should come forward. They don’t need to at this point and unless Mary Magdalene wants to defend ‘45’, none of Trump’s vouchers are credible.
Yes, i can nail Mary too.
As Barr will do nothing, state of North Carolina, please proceed.
MUST READ: These allegations are of serious federal and state criminal conduct that is routinely prosecuted. If true, he must resign or be replaced immediately.
Ass blows smoke up other ass, film at 11.
I’m guessing you’re not pulling your weight at the collection plate, either…
A sample of The Telegraph piece. “Animals with tattoos”
He (Trump) defended the size of the crowd and then compared the anti-Trump Women’s March with the anti-abortion March for Life. The president then picked up the theme. “Abortion is such a tough issue”, he said, touching on a topic that has been a dividing line in US politics for decades.
He wanted to know where Mrs May stood. Pro-choice or pro-life?
“Imagine some animal with tattoos raping your daughter and then she gets pregnant”, the president said, according to the notes, graphically outlining the case for allowing abortion.
Mr Trump then pointed at Mike Pence, the US vice president known for being deeply religious. “He’s a really tough one on abortion”, he is quoted saying, before again Mrs May for her view. The then prime minister offered a careful response - “diplomatically threading the needle” according to one source familiar with the conversation - before shifting the discussion back to safer ground.
No, appointed by el presidento.
Thank you for this link. I am so concerned/upset/dismayed that the lingering health issues from COVID are not getting enough press converge. THIS story should be huge!
I predict that the deaths, horrific as they are…will not be the story in about a year.
Some of us work really hard to maintain our amatuer status.
Yes, i can nail Mary too.
Someone did and it wasn’t God.
He was born in khaki diapers. It was a very rough birth, but once out, he was ready for action.
It was Soros…
I feel like we learned something personal about Ivanka in that exchange.
Perhaps Ivanka went through a “bad boy” stage?
Bad TPM headline.
VA Secretary Swats Down Report On Trump Calling Fallen Soldiers ‘Losers’
Beholden White Supremacist Carries Water for Projecting Loser