The Treasury Department sanctioned a Ukrainian parliamentarian who met with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani in Kyiv last year, accusing the MP of trying to interfere in the 2020 Presidential elections.
The Thursday order accused Andrii Derkach of being an “active Russian agent for over a decade, maintaining close connections with the Russian Intelligence Services.”
You’ve just described Trump, the entire GOP leadership in the Senate, and half of House Republicans.
Rudy Costanza: “Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that this sort of thing is frowned upon…”
So many Republicans who I thought were merely skunks, but turned out to be traitors to their country.
What? Someone in the treasury office defied Trump Inc to sanction a Russian disinformation agent? Don’t tell Ron Johnson or Devin Nunes, who’ve been working with this guy for months. All kidding aside, how did this happen?
Yeah, Rudy will constantly fear that because he’s crazy. He’ll be blindsided by the indictment, though, because he doesn’t realize all his old pals in the FBI retired years ago.
Trump: “I have nothing to do with Russia. My campaign manager does, and my personal lawyer does, and my son does, and several of my strongest congressional supporters do, but me? I have nothing to do with Russia.”
I suspect we’re going to find out, because they will seek him out and try to destroy him or her for doing his or her job, arrogantly heedless of how very stupid it will be to try and how very many kinds of stupid it will be, as only authoritarians who reject the idea of rule of law can be.
Look, just because a bunch of GOP senators respect the time-honored tradition of celebrating the Fourth of July in Moscow is no reason to conclude that they are in any way compromised by the GRU.
“I wonder who snuck Derkach’s name past Mnuchin?”
From the press release: “Andrii Derkach and other Russian agents employ manipulation and deceit to attempt to influence elections in the United States and elsewhere around the world,” said Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin. “The United States will continue to use all the tools at its disposal to counter these Russian disinformation campaigns and uphold the integrity of our election system.”
Interesting. Perhaps just a little more Window Dressing Action like so many others from this Administration.
Question is what is going to occur with Guiliani, Johnson and Nunes?
It will be interesting to see how the Russian/Republican conspiracy unravels and unravel it will; these are not just evil people, they are stupid and greedy.
After being sent a copy of the Treasury announcement and asked about his relationship with Derkach, given that both Telizhenko and the alleged Russian spy have pushed similar allegations, Telzhenko sent TPM multiple Facebook messages denying any link.
Why Facebook messages? Why not just use regular email, or the fucking phone? Is there something about FB that gives it some magical edge over traditional means of communication that i’m not aware of? This strikes me as strange.