MIAMI (AP) — A former Green Beret who has claimed responsibility for an ill-fated military incursion into Venezuela is under federal investigation for arms trafficking, according to current and former U.S. law enforcement officials.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Investigating for a potential medal of freedom?
But as they were readying their assault, the boat broke down at sea on March 28 and an emergency position-indicating radio beacon was activated, alerting naval authorities on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao. Goudreau had to return to Florida, prevented from rejoining his troops prior to the landing because of travel restrictions put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Wow. This sure sounds like a well-financed and well-thought-out mission. NOT.
If there was any money in it for Goudreau, I can’t help but wonder if that pandemic worked out in his favor, considering that fools who “would have 100% gone out in a blaze of gunfire” wouldn’t live to spend a buck. The guy’s a mercenary.
Aren’t these the same guys who like to play dress-up in their coolest mail-order heavy metal jackets and carry their seldom-been-fired AK-47 knockoffs with high-capacity magazines to “protest” social distancing orders?
Same question, alternate wording:
Aren’t these the same guys whose penises are so fucking small it makes their brain appear larger than it actually is?
They need to get Elliot Abrams on the case.
I’m sure he can come up with some justification.
He might be in Venezuela at the moment already.
This State Department won’t do shit. They’d be better off referring it to the Hague.
And while they’re at it they should bypass SCOTUS (and their 5-4 bullshit) and refer the entire tRump administration to the Hague as well for crimes against humanity in its failures during this pandemic and for criminal negligence leading to unnecessary deaths on a massive scale in the ‘United’ States of America.
"But the plot seemed doomed from the start because it lacked the support of the Trump administration…
Says who? The Trump administration?
Oh, well then. Seems legit. I guess.
i guess quid pro quo didn’t satisfy the trump very much with Ukraine.
seems he hired wanna be mercs who believed the reward from trump was going to be huge,
until yesterday.
now there going to be dropped through the meat grinder, of course, at trumps request.
So they were waiting for Goudreau?
Or, perhaps, waiting for Guaidó?
Either way, overthrowing Maduro was on their Beckett list.
Yes, ridding them of the low-born, turbulent and meddlesome Maduro…
“He would have 100% gone out in a blaze of gunfire because that’s who he is,” said the person."
Sure, just like hero Donald. Because we all know that if travel restrictions had been put in place because of the flu a badass would have said ‘bye bye’ to his troops and sat in Florida to wait for a more propitious day when his troops might need him.
“Goudreau had to return to Florida, prevented from rejoining his troops prior to the landing because of travel restrictions put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Travel freakin’ restrictions? That never woulda stopped Otto Skorzeny or Mad Mike Hoare.
Friggin’ sissy . . .
He’s not a merc. He’s someone who’s read just WAAAY too many copies of Soldier of Fortune.
I grin whenever I see the macho Trump bellies and think ‘ah, yes, Meal Team Six’. It would be hilarious to watch one of them try to do a hundred meter sprint with a full combat load
Hell, I remember back in the 1980s when Soldier of Fortune magazine was a thing. Around the time of the first, and mercifully, last, cinema run of Red Dawn. Oh, man, it was so cool, said the little dweeb GOP congressional staffers and interns at the DC think tanks.
These are the same people, suitably aged, who show up on Fox News as “national security analysts” in the present Year of Our Lord 2020. And they still don’t know jack shit.
The following is excerpted from
Former Green Beret turned private security consultant Jordan Goudreau
He accepted money to finance a military operation outside of the formal military. By the very definition of the word, he is a mercenary…just not a very good one.
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Oh, dear lord. please let the body of water where they were captured be known as the Bay of Gerbils . . . though Bay of Guinea Pigs would also work.