US Attorney Blasts White Supremacy As ‘Nonsense Racial Theory’

Like Herdman or like Reardon?


Well done, sir.


How refreshing! An official doing his job according to the law.


Tell it to your boss, the Head White Supremacist in Chief.


Probably not. Trump denies that he is racist and that any of his supporters are racist, much less white nationalists. He just tells himself that guys like this are mentally ill, and does not associate himself with them in any way. Denial is a wonderful thing.

As for Barr, he’ll say the right things in public so he can claim righteousness, while keeping Donnie happy by minimizing the existence of white nationalism and its seriousness as a threat.


What an impressive resume (apart from the little dalliance with Jones Day, but he’s probably got kids to put through college.)

Herdman was an Assistant United States Attorney from 2006 through 2013, serving as both a line assistant and supervisor. During that time, he was responsible for investigating and prosecuting national security crimes, including the successful trial and appeal of a homegrown terror cell that sought to support al Qaeda. He was also part of the prosecution team of five self-proclaimed anarchists convicted of attempting to use explosives to blow up a Cleveland-area bridge.

Immediately prior to becoming U.S. Attorney, Herdman was a partner at Jones Day, where he represented businesses and individuals in civil litigation and under criminal investigation.

Before returning home to the Cleveland area, Herdman was an Assistant District Attorney in New York City, working for the legendary District Attorney for the borough of Manhattan, Robert M. Morgenthau, where Herdman prosecuted a wide range of violent crime and identity theft cases.

He serves as a Judge Advocate in the United States Air Force Reserve and is a former intelligence officer in the United States Navy Reserve. He earned his B.A. from Ohio University, his M.Phil. from the University of Glasgow, and his J.D. from Harvard Law School.


Quick! Sommelier! A magnum of your finest champagne for the esteemed and most honorable gentleman from the Ohio U.S. Attorney’s office! That, and an iron-ring of round-the-clock, heavily armed bodyguards.


And this is it - the world we now live in, where expressing normal feelings about racists and their evil deeds has become an act of heroism. Not to take anything away from this gentleman, but these sentiments should be coming out of every elected official in the land and certainly anyone connected to the Justice Department.

Apparently the purge is not complete.


This fellow ought to keep his phone nearby as he should expect a call from one Mr Barr who will deliver a dressing down. He will be lucky to keep his job.


If Trump sees this, this guy is toast.


But… Wouldn’t that throw the timeline for all of this off. If it’s all going to end at the Supremes, I’d rather not have more delays, however proper they may be. The clock is Donnie’s friend in all of this.


Barr Barr Jinx ain’t gonna like this one bit…

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Has he dusted off his resume yet?

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For my own psychological survival I have to believe the majority of people are decent and understand that this country stands for something, a set of ideals, however imperfectly embodied. And that majority is going to come through in the end, like it usually does, and sweep these carpetbaggers out of office and start the cleanup. People like this man are everywhere. Never mind the wingnuts. We’re the ones who will take our country back. I have to believe that.


And he will, tomorrow Mr Herdman will be blasted by Fox & Friends, Hannity and co as a example of the corruption of the DOJ and the “deep-state” and call for AG Barr to root these traitors once and for all and release true patriot James Reardon immediately.

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I’m guessing that they edited that part out (MSM as deep state?)

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Do you seriously think this guy said what he’s quoted saying and also equivocated about the supremacists? Come on. Not everyone gets instantly corrupted. You have to have a little faith in people, even in bad times.


During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
– Melania Trump


“Now let me speak generally to those who are advocates for white supremacy, or white nationalism,” Herdman said during the press conference. “I am talking directly to you.”

The only way he could have been clearer would be if he’d called Individual-1 by name.


George Orwell, Melania Trump

PoTAYto, poTAHto…