Oh, Mittens! You and “SASSY!” Nebraska Ben make the greatest jelly-spined comedy team. How about telling zombie tortoise McConnell that you and “SASSY!” Ben and a few other oh-so-brave-and-true American patriot GOP Senators will caucus with the Dems until Fat Ass is out of office. Didn’t think so. Wuss!
Oh, and OT, but am I the only person who thinks Trump Super Christian Soldier For Baby Jeebus Attorney Jenna Ellis looks like a hooker on an episode of “Law and Order: SVU”? Nah, I don’t think it’s just me.
That pushes euphemism to a new extreme. He doesn’t believe “he was robbed”, he believes, rightly, that he will be exposed by the state of New York as soon as he leaves office. There are probably enough true believers, even in New York, that he could use to hang a jury, but he realizes that even if he and his spawn are not convicted the trials will destroy them.
settle differences with Mitt after the show … Right now, at this moment in history - he is one of the voices that we need to be saying the things that need to be said - and what he has said is certainly part of what needs to be said - loud & LOUDER -
old phrase about marketing & communications - Key is “REACH” & “FREQUENCY” every one has to hear the message - and hear it over and over !
Mitt can run with this … but for it to reach epic proportions … his message needs help - it has to be spread - it has to garner additional voices - it has to have a booster rocket attached to its (or his) ass !
in pretty basic language - he has taken a stronger step … now he needs to multiply it
I dunno, I kinda agree with Geraldo, but not for the reason you may think.
People talk about getting their flu shot, or their tetanus jab or measles or whooping cough or hepatitis or rabies shots…so let them talk about their “trump shots”. That would forever bind the vile POUTUS to the disease which he has so successfully aided in spreading.
This is definitely something which the history books will still be writing about a hundred years from now.
So, yeah, let’s get folks used to thinking of a “trump shot” like a “polio shot”… Because Trump IS the disease.
OT, but thought you might enjoy a laugh from this side of the Big Pond.
My husband just sent me a clip from German TV (sorry, no way to upload but it’s anyhow in German), in which a comedian tells the following joke (my rough translation):
Dubya, Obama and Trump are all dead and standing in front of God. God asks Dubya, “what do you believe in?” Dubya answers “Free trade, a strong America and the Nation.” God says, “good, then come and stand here to my right.” Then God ask Obama, “what do you believe in?” Obama answers, “I believe in democracy, help for the poor and world peace.” God says, “wonderful, come and stand here to my left.” Then God asks Trump, “what do you believe in?” and Trump answers “I believe you are sitting on my chair.”
Much head shaking and disbelief over here at the mess in the US right now.