U.S. Foreign Aid Agency Defends Political Appointees Who Wrote Anti-LGBT, Anti-Islam Posts | Talking Points Memo

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1313619

The top official at the U.S. foreign aid agency defended three political appointees whose past social media posts and writings include attacks on LGBT people and Muslims, saying they were “committed to enacting the policies of President Donald J. Trump.”

The top official at the U.S. foreign aid agency defended three political appointees whose past social media posts and writings include attacks on LGBT people and Muslims, saying they were “committed to enacting the policies of President Fascist Pig Donald J. Trump.”



That about sums it up.


Read between the lines of that U.S. foreign aid agency statement.

It basically admits: “Yes, these are despicable people, with despicable viewpoints, but that is what the Orange ShitGibbon wants so we have no choice.”


What an embarrassment for the nation…it’s going to be a long time before other nations trust anything the US has to say, with people like this pushing our (yes, it’s ours from a foreign perspective) agenda overseas I’d be offended. And, the idea of a “religious freedom adviser” is even more horrific when you consider that role is solely meant to push Christianity abroad, not what the 1st Amendment is actually about.

Every day, I look forward to the end of the Trump administration…it will take time to clean up the mess but just living under this regime and all its evil is stressful.


Obviously (de)Merritt Corrigan is as queer as a chocolate frog. What is she so afraid of? That gay men will flood the dykes? That gay me will turn her gay? Or, that straight men will turn gay once they see reject her on the merritts. Funny the name is Irish. And we know Ireland has a gay tsoiseach (Prime Minister) and that same sex marriage was approved in the republic overwhelmingly. Perhaps she’s one of those disgraced nuns from the 'laundries." She may out of the habit but bigotry is still her habit.

Or perhaps she’s Betsy DeVos’ secret girlfriend? A homo Empire? Really. Well, I’m sure someone can lick her.

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It’s as if key American institutions have been taken over by Pod People, or Stepford wives and husbands. Antiworld.

Likely they’re all tied to furthering the real foreign policy of Trump, as detailed by Seth Abramson here - it’s all about money, payback for services rendered, and delivery on promises to an elite group of ultra-rich beneficiaries, some of whom are not allies in any other sense of American foreign policy interests. https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1270144111685795845.


Of course.

Stephen Miller, who crafted @realDonaldTrump immigration policy at the southern border, including separating families and caging children, is preparing a @WhiteHouse speech on race relations. @aurnonline #AURN report https://t.co/2BMNkGPqgq

— AprilDRyan (@AprilDRyan) June 9, 2020
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I’m sure that Joe Biden’s folks are waiting uncontrollable glee? The Ads, the ads will be written for us!


Apparently John Barsa doesn’t understand USAID’s Values:



Our Core Values



We strive for efficiency, effectiveness, and meaningful results across our work.

  • We aspire to lead international and US Government efforts to advance the economic, political, social, and environmental well-being of the world’s most vulnerable people.
  • We continually seek to improve our operations and increase our impact.
  • We take pride in our work and our accomplishments.


We are honest and transparent, accountable for our efforts, and maintain a consistently high moral standard.

  • We are ethical in all that we do.
  • We are fair with colleagues, partners, and those we serve, building relationships of trust.


We demonstrate respect for one another, our partners, and the people we serve in communities around the world.

  • We recognize and acknowledge the strength that comes from diversity.
  • We value all people equally and treat others as we would like to be treated.
  • We consistently demonstrate professionalism and respect in our communications and in our behavior.


We elevate all voices striving for global economic, environmental, and social progress.

  • We seek to ensure that all voices are heard.
  • We strive to strengthen the voices of the marginalized and vulnerable.
  • We value every team member and seek to ensure everyone can fulfill their potential.


We value our differences and draw strength from diversity.

  • We support programs that engage people across societies and benefit whole communities and countries.
  • We value every member of our team, learn from their experience, and foster their active engagement.
  • We advance equality, foster equal opportunity and address inequality within our Agency and in our work.

“Hold your nose for another six months, we have to.”

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It’s a waiting game and they’re hunkered down. There’s no use or value in speaking up and then having to find another job, uproot their family etc. Everyone in government is held hostage until November.


saying they were “committed to enacting the policies of President Donald J. Trump.”

That’s not a defense, that’s an affirmation. The policies of “President Donald J. Trump” are bigoted on purpose, so this is hardly a rebuttal of the fact these appointees are also bigots.


As long as Trump’s in power there will be jobs for inbred white trailer trash.

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And nothing about whether the policies of trump are in line with, you know, controlling federal law.


drriddle said: “…the idea of a “religious freedom adviser” is even more horrific when you consider that role is solely meant to push Christianity abroad, not what the 1st Amendment is actually about.”

–> Exactly. This is 1st Amendment Religious Freedom, interpreted to mean only that members of one religious group (Evangelical Christians) are free to disregard laws providing equal opportunity for those not like them (the LGBT community, for example). And members of OTHERs of the world’s great religions (Islam, for example) have no religious freedom whatsoever.

“Religious freedom adviser” to USAID. Another sinecure created to reward Liberty University grads.

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