U-Haul White Supremacist’s Mom Says She Kicked Son Out Of The House

“I can’t quit the Patriot front”

Hmm did that conversation go kind of like…


It fits to a tee. A nobody loser in the real world looking for an alternative self in the world of social media and formula hate.


“Mom we need to practice our stacking formations for the next insurrection”.


It turns out that Karen Amsden is a licensed clinical social worker too. I read a blog that also indicated that the son is divorced and has joint custody of the children. If true, and if he was making child support payments, that helps explain why he was living at home. It obviously doesn’t explain why he joined Patriot Front. There are plenty of young divorced dads doing the best they can without joining groups like that. I wonder what kind of job he has/had? Are there enough White Supremacist sympathetic businesses to employ these guys after they get arrested? Do they fly their White Supremacist flag at work or do they try to pass as normal?

This story also illustrates how even people like his mom who has professional training that is relevant can have trouble dealing with the powerful allure of these groups and ideologies.

My heart goes out to Ms. Amsden and I give her huge credit for going public with this.


Oh yes, I agree. That’s why I posted the link to NASW. No one is free from having troubled family members, and it’s very difficult for those with training to deal with them.

ETA She said she maintained contact with her son to keep in contact with her grandchildren. Very sad situation.


I always recommend Stephanie Coontz’s The Way We Never Were and The Way We Really Are for a great perspective on our idealized past and what it means to the present. Among other things, there was a time - the 50’s through the 70’s - when postwar prosperity and unionization meant that white men (and I want to emphasize WHITE men) could get a decent job right out of high school. It was not just the way the economy worked, it was also because they were white. And even smelly losers were able to marry, because most women couldn’t support themselves on a teacher’s or secretary’s salary, being a single or divorced mom was less acceptable, and God forbid you were a lesbian. (Ask people born in the 50’s or 60’s “did you have an awful father?” And many will say “oh yes.”)

These days, being a white man isn’t an automatic ticket to a cushy life, and while most are able to suck it up and deal, there are those that can’t, and turn to hate groups. There’s also the unfortunate fact that it’s hard for anyone to get a great job on just a high school education. Again, most suck it up and deal and go to college or trade school or join the military. And women won’t date them, either, because they/we now have choices that don’t include “marry someone awful just to survive.”

Whether they have actual untreated psychological/neurological issues or are just smelly losers with repellent personalities who nobody wants to hire or date, I can’t say. But it all boils down to “resentful white boys and men going rogue and joining hate groups or getting a ton of guns and shooting people.”


Boyce’s father left the family years ago and came out as gay, according to Amsden.

Sounds to me like Jared Boyce could really use some therapy and not use the terrible Patriot Front as a means of acting out his violent, misunderstood beliefs.


Officers said they pulled over the U-Haul a few blocks away from a Pride event downtown and found 31 men dressed in the Patriot Front uniform of khakis and white masks in the back of the truck. They were allegedly carrying riot shields, shin guards and at least one smoke grenade with them, along with documents laying out their riot plans in extensive detail.
… … … … … …
It makes it so much easier of LEO people when criminals are bone head stupid and kindly supply all the incriminating evidence the justice system would ever need to get a conviction.


Why are these guys called White Nationalists? LGBT doesn’t have a racial ID. It seems these losers just hate the traditional targets of bigotry and do so because they’re told to.


That’s not really a legit reason to hate on someone: have you seen housing prices lately?


“White” is a necessary component of their “nationalist” fantasy, but it’s not sufficient all by itself. All the usual resentments still apply.


I can’t remember what survey group had this data, but it broke down by race, gender, education and marital status how likely one was to be a conservative or liberal. An intact marriage made white women with less than a BA more conservative, but not white men. Having children did not make married white men more conservative, but - interestingly! - being single or divorced did! Being single or divorced with children made white men with less than a BA more conservative.

Single or divorced women with kids and less than a BA were not especially more conservative, but men were. Innnnteresting. I have to wonder if those “men’s rights” groups screaming about how women take advantage of them with divorce and child support back in the 80’s and 90’s were one of the seeds that sprouted this poison tree?


In other words, being a toxic POS correlates with being a toxic POS.


Stupid people do dumb shit my Grandmother used to say.May favorite is the assholes in Georgia that murdered Arbury…made a video of it and went public with the vid. All 3 will spend their lives in jail but likely would have walked without that video.


Heroes of their own dipshit narrative.


The “Master Race.”





The “race” will be who pleads guilty first, rats on the rest, and gets the best deal.

The initial charge will likely not be the only charge…


All within one degree of consanguinity, by the looks of it.

(discobot doesn’t recognize that word.)

ETA: discobot does recognize that word, I just misspelled it.


It just happened in this case that they chose a Pride event to attack. Next could have been an event for POC or Jews. Remember, their hero Adolph not only murdered Jews but homosexuals and Romany. And Slavs. And the disabled. And whomever he decided they didn’t like on the day.