And another GQP liar is exposed:
And another GQP liar is exposed:
Until Republicans come up with actual governance ideas, and try to build something real…all we are ever going to get out of them is word-salad and bomb-throwing and projection. They are dealing from a very limited deck, only nails and hammers in their world. Sound bites and destruction. They are purely a media hype and demolition squad.
Since their voting block seems to be hanging together on this simple diet, and they have eschewed or estranged all other options…it is all we can expect. Even their brightest lights aren’t proposing ‘making’ anything except enemies lists.
It’s kind of amazing how their big bag o’words doesn’t actually require that the words mean anything in particular. It’s like making sure you wear the school colors, or in this case, you hoist the right flag over your sinking pirate ship.
As always with Republicans: every accusation is a confession.
Internal polling perhaps?
Besides they’re suppose to be job creators, thus instead donating to campaigns or PACs, they need to hire more lobbyists.
I’m sorry Disney only has a limited supply of ideas. It’s just that they keep repacking the same old ideas, and calling them “new”.
What happened to his fiance? Wasn’t she Lucky?
These fucking shitbags think that repeating the same old tired phrases again and again make them look like some genius with original thoughts.
Well repackaging and repeating that same old shit works with their voters, but they forget that the rest of us may vote for the donkey candidates we do have elephant’s famed memory ability.
I’ll see your stupid comment, and raise you one Citizens United.
It really is opposite day every day in GOP la-la land. The great upside-down . . .
Whatever happened to the Marketplace of Ideas, anyway?
Fascism: don’t leave home without it.
“progressive fascism” (which isn’t a thing).
Enough said.
The spouse said he has read some GOP reference to “Corporate Communism” out there, too.
They REALLY don’t know anything about civics or history, do they?
And another GQP liar is exposed:
Hypocrisy finds new heights daily in the Republican circus.
Keep your ethnic ignorance to yourself.
Until Republicans come up with actual governance ideas,
That’s so cute.
And it might happen—in some alternate universe.
Actually…it’s a time-tested marketing trick.
Refine your message into a punchy, short phrase.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
They are aware that the vast majority of Americans, outside of those who fought in WWII, do not understand the difference between fascism and communism. They just “know” they are both bad.
When your only dish is hypocrisy, I guess you have to season it with something.
Please check your snark detector, it may be time to change the batteries.
EvEn thOugh My dictionAry definEs fascism diFFerently, hEs right. ThiS is out aNd out fascism.