The two staff members who were responsible for guarding the unit when Jeffrey Epstein died of apparent suicide over the weekend fell asleep for nearly three hours when they were suppose to check on the prisoner every 30 minutes, The New York Times reported.
Overtime pay to sleep! Now that’s something lots of people would love to sign up for and it’s not even a study for sleep disorders. Now, they’re on administrative leave and I assume that means they’re getting paid to do more sleeping.
Riiiiight. Blame the guard who is not even an actual guard and the guard pulling a double shift. Yeah, I’m sure that’s all there is to it. Not the folks who set that up or who created those conditions for the most important prisoner in the whole system. Nope, it was like totally the lowly, overworked, undertrained, and understaffed guards’ fault. Like totally. Not the bosses’ fault. Nope. Why, a cynical person might suggest that this set-up was designed to fail. Good thing there is no reason to be cynical with this crew, huh? Nope, no one in charge could have ever seen this happening — why, it’s unimaginable with such a fool-proof system in place. Why, what high-value prison doesn’t rely on just some dude off the street to guard the highest value prisoners. Sounds totally legit. LOL — yeah, totally the lowly guards’ fault. Nope — not those in charge like Barr. He’s as pure as the driven snow, yessiree.
This is the result of doing more with less. No one wants to pay benefits so it requires supervisors to cut positions and push the remaining employees to work beyond their capacity. Then the workers get in trouble when crap like this happens.
The same staff members — whom Attorney General William Barr directed be placed on administrative leave until the end of the investigation on Tuesday. . .
“I’m not an actual prison guard, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.”
“You’re just the kind of go-getter we need. We like your moxie. Dude, you can totally be in charge of the the most important prisoner in the whole system.”
I do not have words I can express here for Barr. I consider him an extremely dangerous man and one Congress should continue to haul in before various committees, slapping Congressional Contempt citations when he tries to get out of testifying.
Hence, the reported shrieking that was coming from Epstein’s cell when he was finally checked on and found not to be in good shape. I’ll bet every guard and administrator in that prison was going ballistic at seeing what was in front of them. Major screwup.
Sure they did. So in the real world not manipulated by coverup which I’m sure is reeking of the smell of Bill Barr, wouldn’t 1 guards stay awake as a lookout while the other slept? After a couple of hours switch up and the one who slept first becomes the lookout. Supposeably the guards and someone else has been transferred. Yea. I’m actually waiting for this: