We do not know, and neither does Hegseth or Rubio. Trump has already said that he does not have a clue about anything, unless the Chinese or the Russians admit that they are tapped into Signal, these morons have no idea what info they have put out that compromises CIA operatives or any other covert person. They only found out that Goldberg saw the whole “secret” exchange when he left the chat and exposed that he had been there.
Fucking morons.
Putting this somewhere else.
Goldberg was the only responsible participant in this whole thing. He has refused to name names of covert operatives, or be specific about the plans that Hegseth laid out about weapons, timing etc.
We knew this kind of thing was bound to happen with this bunch of incompetent frat boys thinking they were masters of the Universe.
As if that matters?
A clown on a throne is still a clown.
He hasn’t seen little donnie in forty years.
This would be an opportune time to begin branding the quasi-professional collection of ideologues, PR hacks, and toadies that Trump has assembled for his second administration as the Shallow State.
And selling Ukraine to Russia will be handled exclusively on Telegram, or possibly VKontakte.
First time I’ve ever seen somebody stick a knife in his own back.
Caught a really good interview on my drive home today - All Things Considered was talking to Rachel Cohen, the attorney who wrote that blistering resignation letter. Her closing remark was, I thought, pretty damn devastating.
On what Big Law should be doing now, she ended with “the next step of collective action has to be putting their money where their mouth is; I’m not focused on that piece at this moment, because right now I can’t even get their mouth there.”
And that was after first observing that Paul Weiss clients ought to be “questioning why I’m paying $3000 an hour for a law firm that doesn’t think it can win a legal battle over an executive order that has already been functionally enjoined.”
I admire her fighting spirit. More like her, please.
ETA: 5-min audio of the interview from NPR.
He explains in the article that he had communicated in the past with Waltz so found the invitation to join (what?) odd but maybe not weird. Thereafter he kept silent. What puzzles Jeffrey Goldberg is, who is the “JG” that Waltz thought he was inviting to join, and why did no one (Waltz, at least – I don’t know if on Signal, as on Zoom, you can see that the people attending, or a slot for them, even if they don’t speak) find if curious that JG never spoke?
Maybe “the real” JG is just another gov’t toady to this group. But could he be someone else?
it is a cornerstone of democracy, enshrined in our Constitution, and protected by our courts.
At least until today. All of this should lead to another case before John Roberts and his toadies, and I haven’t see the Federalist Society sanctioned in any way by TRUMP… yet… So who knows how Leonard Leo will tell John Roberts to rule.
Plausible deniability. That way, he can claim the deeds were done by out of control subordinates. Bush Senior did much the same thing (although he was considerably smarter…)
This has got the Convict “King” through many decades of “business”. He may be stupid, but stupid like a fox.
I’ll admit, this is stronger language than I expected to see when I heard a Democrat had “grave concerns”. Not strong enough by half, nor echoed by every other democrat to any media organization and town hall that will listen, but stronger than I expected.
My understanding is that Signal is a relatively secure app, that is, among the apps publicly available. But nothing is perfect. And one advantage of staying within the appropriate designated security box is that the box can be audited for holes.
The other issue is that they might need documentation of events at some point of official acts. And by that I mean they might need that information. That is not even getting into the fact that documentation of their acts is required by law or that another administration might need to know what they did. Donald Trump supposedly did not know about this meeting. So, what if he needed to know something 2 months from now, and all the texts have been automatically deleted? Well, those are gone.
I assume the Trump administration is avoiding the documentation requirements because that is what they are about. The weird thing is, they are so incompetent that probably all foreign espionage services will know what they are doing and documenting those acts, but pointedly no one inside US government will except for that handful of people, and they will have forgotten most of what they did in time.
It’s also now public information that certain (named) parties were dissing Europe, a NATO ally. The Europeans are not pleased.
And turn his documentation of the exchange over to NARA, which would otherwise have no record of a national security operation.
That’s only because they were readily accessible because they regularly use them on Grindr.
That came from his years as a spook. (Hell, he was CIA Director, fer chrissake.)