Two Billionaires Tried To Buy A Presidency. How’d That Go?

Can you believe billboards that mocked President Donald Trump for cheating at golf or eating burnt steak didn’t have the 99 percent tripping over itself to vote for Michael Bloomberg?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’m dismayed that Elizabeth Warren has been and continues to be disregarded by so many.
She has ideas, brains and guts.


Two Billionaires Tried To Buy A Presidency. How’d That Go?

Not well, considering we still have a fake billionaire President…


I think I read that in many of the states that Biden won, he did not campaign nor spend any $$$.

How does that fit in with the Bernie Bro’s narrative?

In Steyer’s case I found him unlikeable, a stuffed shirt. While that isn’t enough to put me off a candidate, he is also a non-politician, a government novice, and I am tired of these businessmen thinking they have all the answers because they ran a corporation-- the US government is not a business, it’s not about turning a profit or making a better mousetrap, it’s about solving problems that the market can’t solve.


Their true character will be revealed in how they spend money between now and Nov.
Required: hard-hitting factual anti-†Я☭mp ads + voter-suppression fights + get-out-the-vote programs.


I suspect that the experience we have all had with the alleged billionaire currently in the White House probably has a great deal to do with the shunning of Steyer and Bloomberg. We’ve had a clear example of how badly a rich businessman can run the country and will avoid making that same mistake twice. . . . . at least I hope so!


Not well but I do not like the trend, more will try, try, and try again.


It turns out the 1 percent can’t actually spend their way to the White House after all…

Well, at least not if they’re running as Democrats.

But, suppose that they run as Republicans, instead?


I don’t understand how Bloomberg ‘bought’ my vote. He paid for ads himself instead of asking other people to pay for them but so what. He definitely didn’t pay me anything.

There are 5 people in the house where I live and we range in age from 25 to 68. Two make part-time pay when they want full-time. One drives 45 minutes for a $13 hour job. One is an older woman struggling to shift packages in a grocery store warehouse. We share two cars. We live in Virginia and all of us voted for Bloomberg. He offered me hope - no hate, rage, threats, taunts, or mocking insults - and I really liked his plans.

I helped GOTV in the 2016 general election by knocking on doors. I didn’t have much trouble with the Republicans but I was attacked physically by supporters of Senator Sanders. One of them chased me down her driveway with a garden spade. The other cornered me on her porch and hit me in the face with her Bernie pamphlets. I don’t care what he offers me, and I don’t have much, but that seems more like buying my vote than paying for ads himself. Vote for me and I’ll give you X, but if you don’t, I’ll scare the living crap out of you. His supporters made me reluctant to keep on going but I suppose that was the point.

I’d still like to know how Mike Bloomberg bought me. I don’t feel purchased.

Thank you for reading this - it’s my first time commenting so I hope I did it right.


I hear you. And you posted a great comment - welcome. Stick around.


Do we really think Bloomberg got in because he thought he could win? He did the country a favor, ran ads against the two threats to our democracy. He ran ads revealing Bernie’s unrealistic goals and unloaded much needed Trump baggage. With all due respect to TPM, the media has not done their jobs well. Both in 2016 and now. Too many pundits, not enough real news. They are making themselves irrelevant.

Do we think Bloomberg ads changed the trajectory before Super Tuesday? I do.


It proves how powerful the entrenched establishment interests and kingmakers are inside the Democratic Party. Biden won and didn’t even have to work for it! Rigged!!!

…or something like that.

I am an anyone but Trump Unaffiliated Voter, but I did choose the Dem Primary Ticket Yesterday, and I did vote for her. Alot of common sense in Consumer Protections she advocates being primary driver.

But I also chose the Dem Primary Ticket yesterday because a friend was running for Lt. Gov., and as someone I know I can certainly show up for.

Else, I would have just chosen GOP ticket to vote against the ridiculous Trumpist Candidates we have.

I think Steyer has a mind for policy, and a demonstrated commitment. But he lacks many of the skills of a politician. You have to know how to perform, to debate, to put people at ease and command respect. Probably there are businessmen who have developed these skills as well as a seasoned politician, but it is way harder than it looks. Trump is disastrous businessman but a very good carnival barker, snake oil salesman, TV personality.

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But Bernie is promising you free college and healthcare. No buying votes. He’s just gonna make Bloomberg pay for it.

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What @tena said… :clap: There’s lots of room here for anyone with whom someone else might disagree. We like to keep it interesting.


Ya know … I seems to remember back a few years ago… donnie trump (soon to be “two scoops”) bragged that he didn’t need anyone else’s money in his campaign cuz “I’m really really rich” and he was gonna pay for it outta his own checkbook.
How long did that lie last?


It was going to save us money.


Boy that was one big con job.


Thank you lord for Jim Clyburn and the AA vote. Old white guy thanks you from the bottom of his heart.