Twitter Ordered to Hand Justice Dept. User Info | Talking Points Memo

Twitter was ordered by the U.S. District Court of Eastern Virginia on Thursday to hand over account information about three users to the Justice Department, which had late last year requested the information without a warrant as part of its investigation into the classified U.S. military and State Department information that was obtained and published by Wikileaks.In his 60-page opinion, Judge Liam O’Grady said that the three individuals whose information was sought — Jacob Appelbaum, a hacker and computer expert employed by University of Washington, Rop Gonggrijp, a Dutch hacker, and Birgitta Jonsdottir, an Iceland parliamentary member — “knew that their communications with Twitter would be transmitted out of private spaces and onto the Internet for routing to Twitter,” and thus denied their petition to block an earlier court order from Magistrate Judge Theresa C. Buchanan requiring Twitter to hand over their information to the Justice Department.

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