Even as President Trump is arguing in his impeachment trial that the House should have taken him to court to enforce its subpoenas, he made new arguments to the Supreme Court Monday that House subpoenas against his accounting firm and bank are illegitimate and beyond the power of the legislative branch.
I hope they keep this shit up. At this point there are very few people capable of objectively looking at this mess that aren’t convinced the President did what’s alleged and that he and his team are lying about it. Their strategy is to lie and deflect to the Bidens. While Chief Justice Robert’s sits in his robes and enables the lot of it. Everyone capable of seeing what’s going on sees it. Those that are incapable don’t matter.
I hope they keep it up. Keep lying, projecting and deflecting until they let Trump walk. For folks old enough to remember the Clinton impeachment it fooled very few. It was a partisan affair intended on “overturning the 1996 election” and all of America knew that. The same will out in 2020. Trump will walk but the majority of Americans will know.
I am not a lawyer (crosses self) nor a Constitutional scholar, but couldn’t the Dems request a ruling from the chair, i.e. Chief Justice Roberts, on the admissibility of evidence via the calling of witnesses?? I know the Senate could override his judgment, but isn’t trying a good strategy?
It is to laugh. He’s let so much water go under the bridge that any decisions he would make would be roundly shouted down. Ineffective doesn’t begin to describe.
I guess we’ll see how firmly committed to the Trump experiment these justices really are. Because, legally speaking, the preznit’s brief is a steaming plate of poo, and the preznit is inviting Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh to dive in. At least three of them will be begging for seconds.
Remember, Republicans are 5-0 in Congressional Races this year. The media refuses to mention this. I said Gillespie and Moore would lose (for very different reasons), and they did. I also predicted “I” would win. Republicans will do well in 2018, very well!@foxandfriends
“Whatever powers Congress holds, it may not deploy them in a way that keeps the President from fulfilling the obligations of his office,” attorneys for the President wrote in a Monday brief. “Unleashing each and every House committee to torment the President with legislative subpoena after legislative subpoena is a recipe for constitutional crisis.”
AKA: “Presidential Harassment!”
And just to reiterate, these subpoenas were to a bank and an accounting firm, entities that are not Donald J. Trump and are not controlled by Donald J. Trump and that are not part of the administration of Donald J. Trump
But if he has the same opinion as Barr and the other Opus Dei idjits, he doesn’t care about his legacy because he’ll be dead (famously stated by Barr).
If I’m not mistaken, this represents a big change in strategy. While almost every action ever taken by DT has been explained with a series of ever changing reasons in order to justify the BS decision behind it, this is the first time I know of where they’re putting out multiple excuses simultaneously in different official venues (not counting rallies, where ralliers will accept any and all contradicting explanations).