I wonder if Marco thinks he can still win by licking Ivanka’s feet.
I wish you were right, but we’ve just been through four years that say otherwise.
You forgot LIAR.
@mattinpa didn’t forget it.
I watched the Rand Paul interview.
I’m just dumbfounded by him.
More from Aaron — Good God, this man is unspeakably corrupt.
We haven’t considered the possibility that he really, really likes licking feet and his political career is just an unfortunate side effect.
Jeffrey Clark, Jeffrey Rosen, Jeffrey Wall.
Too many Jeffreys.
Did Rand like being pummeled on at least two sides?
Ah, but young rand is right…two sides: truth and a lie
OT Anyone see Rand Paul having a shit fit when Stephanopoulos asked him why he just couldn’t admit there was no problem with the election?
“You’re calling us all liars!”
I would have paid cash to hear Stephanopoulos fire back with, “No, I’m calling YOU a liar. There’s a difference.”
Probably why neighbor couldn’t take anymore either.
They’re both awful, but without having read the article I’d say in certain key ways they’re pretty different. It depends where in the Venn diagram you’re looking, I guess. If you read about “malignant narcissism” he demonstrates every trait right on down the list. And Bundy is a pretty classic serial killer—similar in some ways, very different in others.
Who’s President today?
I’d love to see the timeline where Donald Trump is raised without wealth or privilege.
as the list grows as to how criminal trump is, I wonder as the impeachment trial starts if there is going to be a major heart burn pandemic running rampant through the gop.
might be a good time to buy into pepto and mylanta. lol
Wrong -poulos.
Balding used-car salesman in Yonkers. Cigar, plaid jacket, obvious line of patter. A throwback, just as he is now. Mostly supported by his kids, who make middle-class livings in the shadier side of the business world.
Might be seeing it right now.Everything seems to be coming home to roost.
But we still had four years of HELL and luckily, Who? is not smart. If he had been smart in addition to be a supreme liar, things would be different.
Some of my nieces have had difficulty with student loans. That said, I would still opt for everything you put forth, including amnesty for current student debt…with a proviso of a (scaled) tax break to honor those who have made student-debt payments.