Trump To Hold Competing Town Hall During Biden’s On Thursday After Debate Cancellation

If you thought the debate moderator was bad, wait’ll you see this one. She won’t be able to do a damned thing.

I’ve got a TV downstairs that there’ll be no one watching at that hour. I may just turn it on and let it run unattended for Biden’s. It’s at 7a for me, so I’ll be the only one home at that hour.



I predict that Trump will win the ratings contest as people tune in to be entertained by seeing Trump make an ass of himself.

Trump will then claim “victory” in the ratings game – the only poll he’s ever believed in - as Biden continues rising in the presidential polls.


I’m sure he will. But she also really appeals to suburban women, especially since she has small children. If they watch, his treatment of her won’t go over well. I’m not sure that this will have the effect that he’s hoping to have here. (He’s sure to say “I’m not allowed to be rude to her, but what do you think? Should I treat her as she deserves to be treated?”.)


Hey TPM, the Trump Town Hall will be 8 PM, not AM as in the article.

Also, this is NBC telling you LOUDLY who they are want elected.

Remember who OWNS NBC: Comcast (Monopolies LOVE Fascists.)


According to NBC News, Dr. Clifford Lane, Clinical Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), released a statement asserting that both he and Dr. Anthony Fauci believed “with a high degree of confidence” that Trump “not shedding infectious virus.



Sundance channel, all day. Original Law and Order.
Law and Order: SVU all day on USA network.





let just call it the ultimate poll, live.
be really helpful for the hope if the numbers come out
40 million watched Biden and 9 million watch the trump doomsday episode # 901.
that would stir the pot bigtime and put trump on a high tweeter fever. lol


Well, for one thing, Biden’s Town Hall will have actual information.


Agree wholeheartedly. It was Trump who refused the debate. He should not get a network airing, and NBC should not be “preferring” one candidate to the other.


You’re not alone in your thinking. Lots of folks are pissed about NBC basically rewarding tRump for dissing the virtual debate and allowing him to simultaneously have a platform at the same time as was previous arranged for a Biden townhall as soon as tRump had pulled out of his original commitment.

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All Joe has to do is address the Herd Immunity WH project. Just mention it…doesn’t have to dwell on it.

'Cause Trump will not be able to sell Herd Immunity to his Town Hall, no matter how many paid stooges he hires for his Town Hall audience on NBC.


tRump picked the time slot so he can brag about getting higher ratings than Biden.

Unless of course some of those he’s paying also work for NBC.

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There’s a L&O Special Victims, but maybe Halloween Wars on the Food channel would be more relaxing or Hallmark’s Autumn in the Vineyard about a prickly couple whose shared desired to make a go of a vineyard brings not only success, but True Love (it’s Hallmark, so of course TL). Any of those sound better for our mental health. Or a book-a book is good. The new Dune book just dropped, although I haven’t finished listening to The Thrawn Ascendancy on Audible yet.

They just will claim that isn’t what they are doing.

Please proceed…


When is the Biden Town Hall and what Network is it going to be shown on?

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Of COURSE, he will…and he will take no questions. ‘Rallies’ are Donnie’s ‘thing’. He can berate and insult and smear and act the fool and nobody will ask policy questions or beliefs and then he will declare he’s a ‘winner’ and do it again. Unfortunately, the ‘media’ grabs ahold of the shiny object and reports on them while describing Biden’s Town Hall as ‘dry’ and/or ‘wonky’.