Originally published at: Trump Takes His Corrupt Retribution Against The Justice Department
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. FIVE ALARM FIRE:rotating_light:
President Trump’s corrupt retribution against the Justice Department is now fully underway, with a series of moves over the past 24 hours that in any other era would be the defining political…
Go Big Stroke!
And please remove that ugly face; it serves no useful purpose.
Second? Just opened my iPad. What are the odds?!
in any other era would be the defining political and legal story of the age. Today, it didn’t even make the front page of the New York Times.
Well, to be fair, it is the New York Times.
This may not be completely spot-on, but it’s spot-on enough.
Go ahead and watch it, it’s only a minute or two.
His point about science and technology (that our world is dominated by it, set up around it, but almost nobody understands it) holds true for politics, govt., and media as well. Our huge problem (and it is global) is that most people don’t understand, don’t care, or are snowed under by too much of everything to be able to focus on what is essential to know.
A good example is fighter pilots. Even they, the sharpest and most capable people who passed crucible tests and can handle enormous challenges under the highest pressures…reached a point where there was too much for them to cope. As aviation and tech progressed, there came a point where a very skilled person who used to be able to handle all the requirements was unable to do so, as more and more got piled onto their plates.
Then, it had to be passed on to computers and other aids…so they could concentrate on the human-only tasks.
ETA: Blaming people for being racist or fascist or stupid is a little too easy. People don’t just have their tribe, or the herd, or the crops, or a judgment on what is fair and equitable to manage anymore (and those have always been fraught and often intractable problems, even in a much simpler world). Now, huge issues with vast powers of immortal wealth, corporate predation, and air, and water, and climate, and overpopulation are pressing down on people who have no hope of combating or coping.
Wouldn’t know any of this watching legacy media
“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt
If a couple of these clearly constitutional issues, such as the firing of the IGs or firing the Justice Department prosecutors without cause, or the impoundment of lawfully allocated infrastructure funds, can just make it to the Supreme Court soon, we will at least find out if the Fab Five are as craven as their master in the White House.
8 days in and I’m sick and tired of the liberal tears and the motherfucking hand wringing.
Please stop detailing the fat fuck’s scumbag moves that he announced years ago. None of this is a fucking surprise.
Stop writing these stupid click bait articles that only leave us exhausted and pissed the fuck off and start telling us what the fuck the limp dick Democrats plan to do about it. And if I hear the words “protest” or “norms” or “stand up” or “vote” I swear to fucking Christ I will lose my shit.
If there are any Dems in a position of power reading this, get off your stupid ass and get fucking angry. Treat the right like Noem treated her unruly puppy and put these motherfuckers down, legally and permanently. And if you can’t do that, then come up with a plan that neuters them. but shut the fuck up and get to work.
No, it’s the MM being just a wee bit disingenuous today, because the DOJ firings are the top headline on the web version of the NYT.
It’s true that it’s missing from the print version, but the print version is presumably set the prior evening, when the story was still developing.
I mean, yeah, but we have to know what’s happening in order to do anything whatsoever.
Show us a sign!
[Very likely one of her newly minted PhD. Grad students. I think she’s Canadian Aussie.]
You miss my point. The terrified, breathless articles have to stop. They stink of pissed pants and fear. Get fucking angry. Write articles that tell us what he’s doing, but leave out the tears and the rending of flesh. The French didn’t just stand there and cry for the four years the fucking Nazis overran half their country. They put themselves in harms way and fought back. What are we doing? Where’s the organized resistance? Where are Democrats?
In the midst of this blizzard of moves entirely reminiscent of other fascist takeovers, it’s the detail about withholding HIV drugs that really ought to be pounded upon mercilessly. It is intentional lethality, inhuman cruelty for its own sake. These MAGA assholes need to be held accountable. Do they support this or not?
I live in a retirement community and no one seems to be aware of anything happening at all besides football and that nasty bishop talking down to Trump.
Until it hits their social security checks or Medicare, no one is going to notice anything in this age group.