Former President Donald Trump’s allies are escalating their attacks on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who is expected to announce a 2024 presidential bid soon becoming possibly the biggest roadblock in Trump’s third run for office.
Trump’s allies might have some difficulty getting the commission to
investigate DeSantis as he personally appointed five of the nine
members sitting on the panel.
Watching these two get into a knock-down spat over, of all things, ethics, will be a feast of irony. I don’t think that DeSantis has the chops he’ll need to wound Trump as badly as Trump will wound him, but a guy can always hope.
I am trying to remember what deSnivel did about one particular critic who insisted on posting non-cooked numbers about Florida covid-19 death counts. Oh yeah, he got a search warrant from a tame state judge and sent an armed SWAT team to raid her home in the wee hours of the morning. Sleep tight, donbald.
The captive FL legislature will amend that law about not running for a different election just as soon as DeSantis snaps his fingers and asks for it. Probably before the end of the current session on May 5th.
Trump will squash him like a bug, but DeSantis will be hoping the various pending criminal cases will take Trump off the stage one way or another. It’s a good time to invest in popcorn futures.
He’s calling out deSnivel for using state resources in his run for the president. If and when deSnivel actually declares for office, that won’t change anything vis a vis his usage of state resources in his campaign.
Yes, but there is a FL law that says a sitting governor can’t run for another office of any kind like President while serving as governor. That has to be changed before he can make a campaign announcement for the GOP 2024 primary.
Wow, only in Florida. And it appears that historically they’ve “tweaked” that law depending on just who is running for what that year. I will note that somehow then-governor Sick Rott went straight from governor to senator overnight. He most certainly did not resign to run for senator.
But it perhaps it is not cut and dried, some say he can run for preznit without resigning or changing the law:
Some lawmakers and lawyers see a pathway for DeSantis to run even with the resign-to-run requirement in place. One interpretation of the law says that a candidate running for federal office doesn’t have to resign as long as they’re not also trying to be reelected to their state post. Florida may tweak resign-to-run law to aid a potential DeSantis 2024 run, leaders say
“Adding this to the list of frivolous and politically motivated attacks — it’s inappropriate to use state ethics for partisan purposes,” DeSantis’ office told NBC News’ Matt Dixon.