In two separate instances on Wednesday and Thursday, the President admitted that depriving the U.S. Postal Service of COVID-19 relief funds would hamper widespread mail-in voting. The President has attacked voting by mail for weeks, and is growing increasingly explicit in his threats to sabotage it.
Dear Susan Collins,
He seems to have learned his lesson since you “exonerated “ him. Well done! Good luck in your next job!
An informed electorate.
They’re all in
This boys and girls , moms and dads is what happens when Fascism comes to your neighborhood
This is why Mitch and his band of criminals have to go
They have no interest in stopping Trump or in Democracy
We are reaching an increasingly fearful point: The Trump administration and the GOP are no longer even making the attempt to pretend to ‘play fair’. The fact that they no longer feel the need to keep up pretenses is really frightening.
Putin allows all the votes to be cast and simply lies about the results. Apparently slobotus doesn’t (yet) have the confidence in his goons to do the same.
He did not suggest it. He admitted that he is blocking any Covid-19 relief package that includes funding for the Post Office. He also admitted his rationale was to prevent mail-in voting -period end of subject. Time for a hearing. Subpoena the Postmaster General.
Simple: Christmas mail volume is huge. If USPS can handle Christmas volume in normal times, and this funding is to insure big volume can be handled, then Donald Trump wants to harm Christmas mail. Why does Donald Trump hate Christmas mail?
I don’t care what it takes. I am voting even if this old lady has to don her mask and wait in line to do so. i’ll even volunteer as a poll worker if necessary. I only wish I lived in a state where I could vote out a Republican. VOTE BLUE