He’s an aberration – a truly horrible human being. If he is human at all. He doesn’t seem to qualify.
I thought the clinical term was Dumb 'n [apatheid] Kruggerand.
Translation: if you only count the places where people don’t actually live…
Yeah. Counting acres not Americans.
What is going on with his eyes? They’re completely bloodshot and the waterline is all red. Looks really uncomfortable.
I’ve seen this look before in a nursing home lobby. You know how they wheel everyone out in the morning to get some sunshine and fresh air? They always have that bewildered red eyed look as they grab you as you walk by.
No they can’t. My theory is that they had to give Trump their souls, and he’s got them stashed away, either that or Putin’s got kompromat on each and every one of them.
You do realize this is desperate talk from him. Brasher, cruder and visible as hell. Things are not going his way and he is making his own errors and gotchas.
This is going to get crazier by the day. I would like to say I have expected this, but the world I expected it in has been obsolete for some time.
What he’s saying is it only kills Democrats so who gives a shit? This explains Jared’s move to shitcan planning after he figured out that blue states were disproportionately hit early on - if it doesn’t hurt the base that’s just too fucking bad. THESE PEOPLE HAVE TO GO!
I believe that’s in @ralph_vonholst’s bailiwick.
“I’m from the Republican Party, and I’m here to help.”
Didn’t Reagan say to run the other way as fast as you can? : - )
And pay federal taxes.
And the collective IQ would rise.
“If you take the blue states out," and then you take out real America, “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.” Problem solved.
Well COVID19 is not so bad in the US except for 200,000 exceptions./snark
So Texas and Flordia are blue states now?
When people have their brains and hearts removed, stroke and heart attack stats improve markedly.
He does NOTHING. Fires, floods, virus, economic collapse. But don’t worry, the people not wearing masks at his Nazi rallies are far away from him and he gets tested all the time. In front of the television, I’m sure.
Except for COVID I don’t think there’s anything new here.
Wait until we reach 200,000. Any moment now. A great success because it’s not 2 million.
I was just pondering that at this rate of descent, his mental faculties may not last until the election. Unfortunately, his base has a much higher tolerance for stupid than normal people. I really just cannot grasp how anyone can find this monster appealing and preferable as POTUS in any way. Those people have such a vastly different idea of what America is supposed to be.