Why is “crime buster” in quotes in his tweet? Sarcasm?
from Trump’s tweet…
Such a one sided Witch Hunt going on in USA. Deep State.
I guess Trump forgot he was the guy who nominated the US Atty for the Southern District of New York…
The calls...they're coming from inside the house!!
So now they are after the legendary “crime buster” and greatest Mayor in the history of NYC, Rudy Giuliani.
While it can be guaranteed if Donnie thinks it’ll get his balls out of the fire, I don’t know how quickly he’s gonna go whole hog on throwing Rudy under the bus. Ghouliani’s not Rick Perry.
Rudy has Michael Cohen’s old job, without the “…I’ll fuck you up forever” part. Likely, he’s got a lot to give to any investigation into the current occupant, so DTs likely to stick by him and encourage obstruction until he believes that he can stifle whatever comes out.
Kiss him on both cheeks, Donnie! Both cheeks!
So maybe Rudy throws Trumpy under the bus instead of vice versa.
a little rough around the edges
A claim that is disproven by countless pictures of Rudy, Trump, Pompeo, et al, that clearly show they are well rounded with no discernible edges.
Comment of the day right there…
Wait wait, don’t tell me! Is this the part where we can finally just assume he’s joking?
He’s also edgy around the roughness.
There’s an opening at Faux News.
Indeed. The first clause attempts to convey a degree of empathy, which we all know Trump does not possess.
OT, but …
Trump is also letting Guiliani know that supporting him totally is the only way out of this. Guiliani OTOH is probably thinking a bit more about Manafort these days.
“fearing that his lack of verbal discipline will hurt Trump by proxy.”? It already has hurt him.
Every time I see Schmidt’s face in a Cable News interview, I think about the term “Plausible Deniability”.
Why is it that the guys surrounding Trump don’t seem to know what WE all know? He will demand loyalty and then throw you under the bus if he needs to. Is this a surprise to them? Pompeo is next after Rudy.
I think its worse than that. I think Berman is bent.
Remember, Berman is the guy who gave Cohen his plea deal. Given how much the Feds had on Cohen, that deal only made sense if Cohen could give them bigger fish – or if Berman wanted to protect those bigger fish.
And now we have this case against a bunch of marginal figures in Trump world. The main case had already been laid out, in detail, in the media months ago – it wasn’t merely straw donors involved, it was a very sloppy straw donor arrangement. Charging these guys on that wasn’t exactly a profile in courage on Berman’s part.
But Berman needs to keep these guys quiet, so he throws on the “marijuana company” stuff to let them know that they have a lot more exposure, should they decide to talk too much.
Rudy is a walking malpractice suit.