Trump Speaks At Length During Debate In Indecipherable Code Of Far-Right Fever Swamps

You know how some dogs get immune to a shock collar?


The dude is going to bust right out of them there duds. His tailor better put some more cloth into the next set of suits he makes for the obese tub of shit.


Maybe I’m just tired, but the whole thing made me very sad. That we are so debased, that our aspirations are so modest as to be desperate to no longer want to listen to the ugliest person in the world. That 75% of his bleating was noxious rumor mongering about Biden’s personal life and financies. Biden is sometimes at a disadvantage because he cannot just angrily say, “I was not president under the Obama administration. The times are different, and I plan to do things differently.” He was also less than as effective as possible, when he gave the one liner. “It was a Republican Congress.” That could have used a little bit of explanation.

I am so damn sick of Trumpian ungodly anxiety. He literally said at a rally, “you won’t like it when I’m gone because things will be so boring.” The “election crisis” being not the least of the needless anxiety we are all living through, which we know will soon get truly ugly. Please, please, be a monumental landslide.


I haven’t heard any post debate stuff. Are they all wowed because Trump didn’t wet himself?


So can someone explain what these specific conspiracy theories are? The millions from the wife of some Russian? Whaaaa?

Biden won this debate, hands down. Trump did way better than I expected, because the format put some rules around him (threat of cutting off his blockading, though that didn’t completely work). ADHD boys do better with rules. But really, the orange menace is a POS and it showed.


I wondered what happen t the mute button as well. It was used a few times in the first part of the debate and then just went away as tRump just rambled on and on, half the time incoherently. But Joe seemed to just take it in stride.
Lordy that man has gotten huge. Even his bout with Covid19 didn’t take away any of the lard. His suit, from the front, has shoulder pads that extend well beyong his shoulders. However, it is from the side that he looks the most obese. He must have been putting away a heck of a lot of cheeseburgers.


Because it was pretty much his campaign rally script regardless of the question or topic.


Listening through the public media balanced both sides filter. Trump’s best “performance…” sure. Since theY took away the mute button to make Donnie happy, Welker managed the blubbering con man well.


Someone, please explain this:

I am the least racist person. I can’t even see the audience because it’s so dark.”


More like the big ass of lies.


He’s conflating an actual thought process with a joke he heard somewhere. The exemplar of the walking stupid.


Anxiety makes a lot of people eat like they’re on steroids. The dotard is facing a shitload of lawsuits for the rest of his life once he no longer has disbarr backing him up.


“It was a Republican congress.”

I shouted “Bravo, finally call them out!” Biden tends to be so bipartisan that he doesn’t mention the fact that a whole bunch of things got axed by the Republicans in the Senate. Gotta hit that hard, especially when we have to get rid of the republican senate. In fact, so many of the Dems do not call out the Republicans as the obstructionists that they are. What is with that?


Covid 19 makes them eat like they are on steroids…
Oh wait.


Ties in neatly with this:

Mary Trump: Psychiatrists know what’s wrong with my uncle. Let them tell voters. (WAPO op-ed tonight.)


I got a million of them.


Two items hit me with a sledgehammer, but probably missed by most of the viewing public, both on immigration.

Trump concludes about the 500+ children permanently separated from their parents: “Good!”

Trump falsely claims that 1% of immigrants awaiting their court hearing show up and states “they are of low IQ.” Low IQ for following immigration law? This is the same guy that paid the Chinese 250-fold more in taxes than US taxes during a similar year. Huh.

BTW, where can I get this?:


At least we know that, like Don Quixote, Don Trump is firmly anti-windmills.


When the best complement you can say about your president is, “well he behaved himself”, you are in trouble.


He does have an unusually large ass. Biggest man ass I’ve ever seen.
He is also the stupidest man ever. Stupid and ugly, just like Daddy said, Donnie.