Won’t watch!? Oh BS he’ll not only watch, but send out a never ending stream of rage tweets.
He’ll get the filtered and flavored Cliff’s Notes version from KAC.
Mueller “must” keep his testimony within the realm of Clinton and ‘no collusion’. The bloated orange already dictating what will and will not be discussed. He won’t have it any other way or he will threaten to call out the bill barr barking dog.
Say, where’s @pluckyinky? She hasn’t posted in ages.
He doesn’t really “do” higher-level thought, and this fact must always be kept in the foreground when one is tempted to indulge in ascribing complex strategy and motivation. There is no eleven-dimensional chess. There is no one-dimensional chess. It’s pure id and instinct at all times.
So, does Trump and/or some toady in his pocket (Barr?) try to intervene at the last minute and stop Mueller from testifying?
Place your bets…
Of course he’s not going to watch it – he’s going to watch the feel-good running commentary on Faux Noise, watching for snippets to tweet.
Expect running commentary (tweetary??) from his golden throne through the entire thing.
Entirely plausible. They’re going to have to decide how far they think Mueller is going to stay on the straight and narrow. And/or what the questions are going to be (how damaging might the slightest whiff of an ad lib be?)…
In flagrante delicto
And our squirrel
If it isn’t illegal, nasty, threatening, false, useless and senseless then it won’t occur to him as a logical path to take. He can’t think outside of the nasty box. He is the nasty box.
I tell you, Dems can’t see what’s right in front of their faces. What does Trump want more than anything else in the world? To get Mueller/Russia stuff out of the news, period. The #trumprussia scandal gets him off rhythm, makes him lose focus and makes him do dumb and unpopular things. The theme of criminality and corruption are deadly to him. It depresses his overall reach of voters. Look back at his polling and you’ll see his lowest polling has coincided with big #trumprussia related news.
Example: 538 Average: early Sept 2018: 40-54. What happened then? Manafort conviction + Cohen guilty plea. Election Day 2018: 42-53 (what happened? Mueller on hiatus for 3 weeks).
Nov 2017: 38-56. What happened? First indictments/pleas of Manafort/Gates/Papado. Early December 2017: 37-57. What happened? Flynn/Van Der Zwaan guilty pleas. Aug 2017: 37-57. What happened? Munich, TT meeting cover up, Manafort raid. Other examples exist, but you get the point. Keeping #trumprussia in the news certainly hasn’t been bad for Dems. Keep it in the news. Open an impeachment inquiry.
The Republicans long for the days when gay couples were considered lovers.
You are absolutely correct - he won’t force them and he can’t force them, but he can make it almighty difficult to ignore doing the right thing. If he states clearly in fourth grade language so that the average American can understand what he’s saying, particularly if asked if the DOJ stopped the requested funding and frame it as an obstruction move, the House will have to take action because the public opinion needle should move significantly.
I know - I’m being incredibly optimistic. But someone has to be
As far as the phony Democrats that have done nothing but waste time of the Witch Hunt, let’s take a count:
Bills passed in the House this session: 340
Bills passed in the Senate this session: 261
Doesn’t compute as having done nothing - unlike the Commander and Thief, the House can do two things at once.
The “we’ll see” is worse. It means ‘I haven’t figured out how I can thoroughly destroy it yet’.
Oh dear, he’s got them under his skin.
Don’t know for sure but Plucky could be busy with Gov. race here. Don’t know about our squirrel.
Or maybe they’re taking news breaks.
Bingo! Trump has no use for, and palatable fear of, anyone he can’t bribe or blackmail. It explains why his friends and advisers are uniformly loathsome. And it explains why he fired Comey and McCabe; why he threatens to fire Coats; why he insults Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Waters, etc.
I know this is a stretch but… hell, it may even explain why he fired Jeff Sessions and Rex Tillerson