…and had Al Capone only introduced his tax returns from all the years he did not evade his taxes he never would have gone to jail.
…and had Al Capone only introduced his tax returns from all the years he did not evade his taxes he never would have gone to jail.
“I’m going to release this transcript that is meaningless and nobody asked for as it is perfect and proves my complete and total innocence.”
How about we get a gander at all of the Putin calls? Or is that a nyet?
I can’t wait to hear the smooth, sultry stylings of Donnie on the phone with his hero, Vladie.
I’ve never had a moment’s serious hope he’d be convicted and removed. I do hope the process damages him fatally by revealing the real conspiracies and comprehensive lawlessness. The investigations as well in New York won’t help him. His thuggish incompetence won’t help him. The majority of the country is sick and tired of Donald John Trump hurting our pride. The base can’t help him there. They’re part of the problem.
So it’s going to take 72 hours to add all those ellipses?
You’d think someone who prides himself on the fact that “everybody wants to work in the White House. They all want a piece of that Oval Office. They want a piece of the West Wing. And not only in terms of it looks great on their resume, it’s just a great place to work,” would have legions of folks wanting to type those “dot dot dots.”
And while we’re on the subject of whale-sized whoppers …
As if.
and before Pence and the Amigos showed up to start the “discussions”
Chiselin’ Trump: “President Zelensky, I would like to congratulate you on your election victory. It was almost as great as mine.”
Zelensky: “Thank you. By the way, no collusion, no obstruction.”
Chiselin’ Trump: “Thank you.”
Zelensky: “And no quid pro quo in any of our later phone calls, either.”
The president also promised that the White House kitchen would release a grocery list from 2 weeks ago.
Then he told reporters to stay tuned because he might release a transcript of a phone call he had with an aide at the Luxembourg embassy regarding the exchange of cultural traveling choirs.
Nixon won reelection with 49 states. Nineteen months later he resigned. That’s how things happen when the high crimes and misdemeanors are discussed on the tube. PP knows the power of TV, and he must be at least a little afraid of what must-see TV is going to reveal for lots of people who up to now may not have been engaged.
I’d rather look at the read out of the Helsinki meeting. This is like the transcript version of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”.
trumPP and Mark Burnett who put him on the map with The Apprentice (which I’m proud to say I never watched) are planning a sequel to be called The Apprentice: White House. which wouldn’t air, if ever, until he’s out of office. It’s best to further monetize the presidency when he’s out of office.
“Unfairly treated” all the way to putting his fat ass in a chair in the Oval Office.
Mark has no shame. I guess that’s in case you were wondering just how fussy about his reputation the producer of “The Apprentice” is. Birds of a motherfucking feather, that’s all I can say.
I think it’s a great idea. Keep telling trump if he resigns now he can go get started on his new show and then start telling him how cool it will be, the best show ever! Flood him with delicious details of great new show ideas so he forgets that the moment he resigns he can be locked up. Love this idea, it would work too. Feed that ego of his and he’ll forget all about the consequences of resigning. It would work…you know it would. Too easy. Hell, tell him Vlad approves and Vanks can co-star!
The media, I have noticed, rarely challenges this administration, or anyone else for that matter, who refers to what they released as a “transcript.” It is not a transcript and use of this term should be challenged every time it is used. What the WH released and will continue to release are edited memos. I think it’s really important to not give them a pass because by using the term “transcript” people get the impression that this is a verbatim recording of a conversation.
Don’t know how Riga managed to glide past that. The whole thrust is to belch out some smoke by oh-so-craftily labeling the July call ‘first’ and the April call ‘second’.
Yep. If his madness gets triggered he could certainly be manipulated by pretty much anyone he halfway trusted into doing the most absurd, self-destructive actions possible.
New transcript?
Donnie’s gonna need a new Sharpie.
Seriously, it’s like showing video evidence of a robber buying an item during one visit to a 7/11 as proof that he didn’t actually rob the store during a separate visit.
You always think of some errant 13 year old who’s excuse for some transgression sound solid as a rock to him , but just leave people scratching their heads .
I didn’t know you needed a license to drive that 13 wheeler
Trump will offer a shiny object Tuesday. Why does that make me think of that Popeye cartoon character “Wimpy”?