Trump Says He Will ‘Most Likely’ Get Tested For Coronavirus

During a press conference on Friday afternoon, President Donald Trump said he might finally undergo a test for COVID-19.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Not that we really care at this point…


They won’t release the results. Instead, they’ll blather on about how his superior genes have protected him despite being exposed. It will go something like "the doctors can’t understand it. They keep saying “a person who has been exposed the way you have should be symptomatic by now. You’re a genetic miracle.”


Does that mean he has symptoms?


I would rather Barr than Trump.

Trump is nothing without Barr


I care. I hope he doesn’t. My hope is that he continues to meet regularly with his extended crime family, the more often, the better. Indeed, were I his doctor I would recommend frequent, extended ass-kissing sessions to cure whatever ails him. It’s worked in the past.


God I listened to this fiasco of a sham of a mockery of briefing.
Now I need to take a shower and lay down for while until my nausea passes.
And here’s tip to reporters, don’t ask Trump anything, ask the experts standing behind him. Just let him play country club chairman emcee because he has no knowledge to give.


Are they testing him on how to pronounce it? or how to spell it?


The fastest way to contract it.

Trump has just about used up his usefulness to the Dark Side the GOP is in thrall to. Any more Trump and he might cause too much damage even for them.


Trump is very likely infected. He was obviously slurring his words and struggling to breathe a bit. I bet he already has it and will lie to everyone about it. He’s invincible, don’t you know. (He and Kim Jong un)

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Observations on this event:

  1. After Brix replied to a question about respirators with how the emergency declaration frees up VA, DOD, etc assets to be (i.e. respirators), Trump added, “and we ordered a lot of respirators.” Now this sounds either like a made up lie, or like they were trying to stay away from the topic of respirators cause they don’t want to say how many they think they will need.

  2. Brix said point of care tests take six months to develop, but news articles claim one was developed by a Chinese company. What’s the story?

It’s a “new hoax”…but my numbers…fake news…Obama’s fault…

But remember, in Italy, the death rate of your cohort 70+ older = 34.2%

Better pray (NOT prey) with sincerity that you do not have Covid-19 because you will need experts with scientific knowledge to develop the vaccine! Respect Science, you loathsome science/climate change denier and Anti-Vaxer!

But if Covid-19 has a moral compass…

You know. I don’t really give a fuck whether he takes the test or not. If, in a couple of weeks, he sickens and/or dies then we’ll know anyway.


And the fact that the Stock Market rose a couple thou on the basis of his clap trap shows exactly what a shallow and ridiculous indicator for the health of the economy and overall success of the nation it is.



If he’s saying he going to get tested, it means he has it. If he says he’s positive, it means it’s bad. If he says it’s bad, then hello, President Pence.

Obviously, I don’t trust a single word coming from this Administration. And why say you’re going to test now, at this relatively late date when you’ve potentially already exposed thousands of people to the virus? It doesn’t add up unless he’s symptomatic. He’s been exposed to so many people who either have it or are self-quarantining out of caution, that it would almost be remarkable if he didn’t have it.

Having said all that, I hope he doesn’t have it. For a man of his age and health status, he would have a rough time of it.


Damn, I’d ALMOST rather get the Corona Virus.



Sherrod Brown (SenSherrodBrown)

Not true, @realDonaldTrump. I wrote to you more than 600 days ago demanding answers after you fired the entire White House pandemic team.

2:05 PM - 13 Mar 2020 9.7K 5.2K


Correct, but we’ll definitely know if Trump makes an unannounced visit to Walter Reed in the next two weeks.


The Chinese are now shipping their surplus kits to Italy, Austria, and The Netherlands.


Either he’ll walk it back tomorrow, or he’ll be dead by Sunday. Whatever.
I hope Barr and McConnell have been close, or at least within droplet range.

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