President Donald Trump floated asking the Chinese government to investigate his 2020 rival Joe Biden on Thursday.
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President Donald Trump floated asking the Chinese government to investigate his 2020 rival Joe Biden on Thursday.
Now about those tariffs…
What would be so difficult about picking up the phone and saying “Madame Speaker, would you please impeach me?”
I wish Richard Hofstadter were still with us to write a 2019 update on his Paranoid Style in American Politics. I bet he never dreamed it would one day completely conquer the Executive Branch…
Go ahead Donnie, they will play you like an erhu.
So tRump says things in public that were once only said in private. Self-impeachment must be his new hobby.
Really. This is like some sort of political death wish…
Well, well! We are already up to Article of Impeachment number 45! Matches his presidential #.
Ah, but he’ll raise it to near 100 before he’s ‘toast’!
For once a reporter had the savvy to sucker Trump into further incriminating himself, rather than pitching softballs and then apologizing for it.
I hear Nambia is willing to manufacture dirt on Biden. Spanky should go there.
If nepotism is the issue, probably should start an investigation into Kevin McCarthy’s discriminated Cherokee in-laws
Now he’s trying to get China to do his campaign work for him. Hey Binky, you bragged that you’re rich, why don’t YOU pay for it?
I hear there may be better faux dirt next door in Pambia.
Ya well it wasn’t only China. Also Trump claimed that McConnell told him the Ukraine call was innocent. Time to ask Mitch.
Breaking the law in public again, so he can claim that he’s not breaking the law.
Trump Says He ‘Should Start Thinking About’ Asking China To Investigate Biden
Don’t forget Poland!
And then Xi says, I want to ask you a favor though…about those tariffs.
OT, but the process of trying to protect Pence so that there’s a fallback has begun and this “split” narrative is part of it: