I don’t think that’s the job of Journalists- at least not the ones working for major news organizations owned by people like Bezos. They’ve spent years whitewashing Republican crazy. They created bothsiderism. They straight lie about the things Trump says and still get abused by the GOP for not being compliant enough. Media Groups like Sinclair and Fox have no illusions about fairness- they are pushing their agendas of suppoting Republicans at every turn.
“Trump proposed significantly deeper cuts to programs for low- and modest-income people than any other president ever has, including Reagan, by far.”
I’m old enough to remember when Saint Ronnie’s USDA proposed a rule that would have allowed tomato paste to count as a vegetable, which could have effectively allowed ketchup to be counted as a vegetable for the school lunch program.
He’s also the same benevolent nutritionist whose obese Attorney General, Ed Meese, said he has never seen “any authoritative figures that there are hungry children” in America and that some people go to soup kitchens “because the food is free and . . . that’s easier than paying for it.”
He made his sage observations, in 1983, while just across the street from the White House, Lafayette Park was filled with (presumably well-fed) homeless people.
Boasting that he’ll help ordinary people while intending and actually planning to do the exact opposite. It’s the magnitude and brazenness of the lie that are the signature of the Trump brand. It’s not like it’s hard to find out what he did when he was president.
First off, to Trump, working-class Americans are just like his opinion of our active duty and veteran service members–suckers and losers. If they were smart, he probably thinks they should all emulate what he’s done to be a success- -grifting, fraud, lying, and generally being a dishonest asshole. Oh yeah, then there is the work needed to get to where he is today—mucho indictments, adjudicated rape, serial bankruptcies, and generally always taking the low road of race baiting, misogyny, insurrection, and reprisals against any who dare to be disloyal to him! What a guy!
Trump lies recklessly and shamelessly for one selfish purpose only: To get elected. He is immoral and unethical and a fascist. What else is there to say?
The commercial on NFL football that he is running to contrast with Kamala’s is how he is going to do all this for the middle class. Every bit of it is horse manure of the deepest depth. The rubes co tiniest o believe he will save them.
Reminds me of the customer I had yesterday at the store. Bought hundreds of dollars of stuff and then used a WIC card to pay for it. All the time I am ringing her up, she is complaining loudly, with multiple f-words, about how she is working 80 hours a week and our tax dollars are paying for WIC and all these people sitting on their butts.
Well, it turns out that there is a 25 dollar balance after WIC. She demanded that she not have to pay anything for her order. Call my supervisor over who methodically goes through the order to determine what is and what isn’t eligible.
All the time , the customer is belligerent, even came after me at one point, and then confesses that she is telling her family members not to work so she can claim them.
It finally all got straightened out and, in a quiet moment, we agreed that the customer’s language should ban her from the store, she was definitely committing fraud and had, get this, 6000 dollars in benefits on her card.
Why am I recounting this here? Among her diatribes was how TIFBG was going to fix all of this. Here is an outright welfare queen, and she was white and dressed in a CNA uniform, claiming to work 80 hours a week. An outright Trumper that doesn’t understand WIC is a State program, not federal.
Yes, I hope so. The media has allowed the GOP to manipulate it for years- threatening to withhold access if they didn’t play nice with Republicans and play dirty with Democrats. Too often, the media will ask Democrats unreasonable questions of Dems and softball questions of Republicans. The worst part is seeing the media suck up to people that publicly abuse them.
Trump took it to a new level. He’d call into news shows and get time on-air. Morning Joe was a huge offender- letting 2016 candidate Trump on to smear his opponents, and they’d yuck it up with him. It was so satisfying when 2017 potus Trump was smearing Mika and Joe because they were critical of something he said or did. They learned the lesson that so many news organizations haven’t- Trump is only interested in Trump looking good and people around him working to make that happen at all costs.
The fact that the media is just starting to call out Trump’s thousands of lies is amazing. Hell, Trump stood in the Rose Garden and said he (then-POTUS) wasn’t taking responsibility for the US response to COVID, and they let that statement die that day. The only way we know that Trump had Russia’s spy chief in the Oval Office is because PRAVDA posted a story with pics- the American press was totally in the dark. He lied and continues to lie to them constantly and they still try to sanitize his lies and deranged behavior- including allowing his surrogates to lie to cover his behavior.
Given all of that, I feel that Journalists can’t be expected to cover Trump in an objective, clear-eyed way. If that’s the case, most of them are committing malpractice and/or fraud daily. It has to be that WE don’t understand what their jobs really are.
I’m sharing this with you because after a day you had yesterday and the couple of days I’ve had with my COVID booster, we both may need a good belly laugh.
Trump and his vice presidential pick JD Vance have been running a campaign that they say puts the working class first, vowing to protect everyday Americans from an influx of immigrant labor, to return manufacturing jobs to the U.S., to support rural areas and families with children and, generally, to stick it to the elites.
Which is, of course, why Elmo has been going around saying folks’re gonna have to endure a time of hardship?
Uh huh.