Trump’s Ukraine Call Prompted DOJ Inspector General To Make Criminal Referral | Talking Points Memo

People kept saying that during the 2016 election. I very much doubt the pattern will change

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This happened in August?

DNI Dan Coats resigned August 15.

Huh, wonder if those are related?


I hope it doesn’t change! I hope they form a human shield around Trump right up through November 3, 2020 so they can subject themselves to the worst electoral drubbing since (ironically) 1972.


Don’t be so sure…

Don’t be so sure; the GOP is that stupid.

No. You have it all wrong. This is the Mafia Don the Con Crime Administration; "Pretty little country you have there; it would be a shame if anything happened to it…

The entire Trump-related Administration is criminal!!!


Of course they can - McConnell will keep Distractor in Chief in place until the last lowest court seat is packed with the youngest Heritage Foundation picks they can find.

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But that only works if Trump still has a realistic prospect of getting re-elected. If this Ukraine/whistleblower stuff is as big a blow with the voting public as I suspect it might be, McConnell et al. will need somebody else on the 2020 ticket.

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Lose the base or lose everyone but the base. It’s a pickle, no mistake.

I think we also may have to consider impeaching the Attorney General as well. He’s not acting for the country; he’s acting for the President as if he were his personal lawyer.

Trump’s base is all they got. They will go down with the ship

Everyone thought Clinton would win. Don’t count it as a done deal until after it’s happened.