Trump’s Smear-And-Scream Debate Strategy | Talking Points Memo

Just saw a rumor that crew imPotus is concerned parscale is going to sing to the feds about canpaign finance shenanigans.


Between the Fed and the Russians, I’d take the Feds too. :slight_smile:


I don’t think there is actually any undecideds - just people who like to feel important and get attention.

Like folks who always have to back into a spot that takes up two parking spaces.CBCDA81F-2048-49EB-8A6B-A5968C98BD69

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There’s a Vanity Fair article about that. I think it’s more than a rumor, I think it’s a ribbon of ice cold panic running through the Trump Family and the RNC.


Do they even have any liquid cash besides the grift streams from the campaign? Also, if he loses there’s no $50 mil inauguration bump.


I have no idea if they have two nickels to rub together or if they have pillowcases stuffed with dirty rubles. hahahahahahaha

I hadn’t thought about the loss of the inauguration skim. Good point. :joy::joy::joy:


They just canceled their florida tv buy (or more likely, failed to pay for their pre-booked buy. TV stations don’t extend credit to political campaigns).


Update: we have the number. Parscale reportedly under investigation for stealing $40 mil from the campaign and $10 mil from the RNC. So the parscale is 50 million dollars of grift. Brad Parscale probed on $40m theft from 2020 Trump election campaign | Daily Mail Online


And I heard he was “suicidal”.


I might have been one of those who donated in that hour if not overwhelmed with the feeling of being mugged through the TV screen. The Biden-Harris team received my donation this morning.


I wonder if the parscale will become the unit of time it takes him to turn on them to save his own skin?

I swear the first time I laid eyes on Parscale years back I thought: O y’all made a big mistake hiring this guy.



That’s the parscaflip


Bravo! hahahaha

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We should start a pool on its value, but I think it would be difficult to know what day he actually flips. Do proffer dates usually become public knowlege?

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No. I see the problem here. hahahaha


So many things Brad can’t do right.

They should be. That dude is a straight clown and conman. He’ll have no problem singing if he realizes it’s his best option. He’s about to lose all his expensive toys he’s bought the past 4 years anyway. He had nothing before that.


Nah, Trump Time is still measured in Scaramuccis, a “Parscale” is a unit of money, as in “$50 million dollars”.

Used in a sentence, it looks like - “He embezzled $1 Parscale from the campaign and the inauguration fund…”

I appreciate and agree with everything in the article, but was particularly happy to see this portion actually stated:

In 2016 Trump lost all three debates to Hillary Clinton handily. She wiped the floor with him. But Trump didn’t care because if he could get enough working class voters to flip in certain areas and depress the vote among people of color, that would still, on election night, help him to win. And he did.

In the wake of the debate disaster this year, I think everyone needs to remember that trump failed in the 2016 debates as well. The battle is far from over.

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Facebook is cheap. It is also where 70% of the influencing happens. That’s where they mostly are.