Three years into his presidency, President Trump is still the most comfortable when he’s leaning into his previous life as a reality TV star.
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Three years into his presidency, President Trump is still the most comfortable when he’s leaning into his previous life as a reality TV star.
Perfect. Then he’ll feel right at home when he gets voted off the island.
Didn’t have the stomach to watch it. Been catching some highlights and I guess the medal of freedom is a lost cause from now on along with any chance that he might have some dignity, respect for The United States of America.
He really believes that it is now, The Kingdom of Trump,
She would not do this if she did not have something in store for Mr. Trump. She is not prone to idle threats.
she is far from done with this guy.
A woman scorned is coming for you, sooner or later
make no mistake about it
I can’t wait. lol
Nancy should have said, “Hey dickhead!” When he turned around ripped it up in his face.
So I’m guessing the reason Trump didn’t pin the metal on Rush was because Melania was closer and it’s totally not because Rush is in the middle of getting chemotherapy and Trump dislikes sick people?
That moment earned bipartisan applause, including a standing ovation from some Democrats, who were willing to go along with this segment of Trump’s show.
The other Democrats were unable to stand due to their debilitating bone spurs.
There is no way I could or would sit through hours of Trump braying. No can do.
I don’t think tRump paid this much attention to the Black Community since he said the Central Park 5 should be executed.
In all honesty I did not watch the sham SOTU featuring the IMPEACHED pResident because I read he was going to give the Medal Of Freedom to the country 2nd most vile racist-Rush Limbaugh. Not only has tRump profaned and sullied the office of the Presidency he has now taken the highest civilian honor and profaned and sullied it for anyone to receive in the future.
I was proud of the Dems that didn’t attend, proud of the Dems that walked out and proud of Nancy when she tore up the script. I only wish she had a blow torch to give it the type of disposal it deserved.
Trump honored the great-grandson of Charles McGee, a member of the Tuskegee Airmen.
Trump and his father wouldn’t rent or sell apartments to heroic returning veterans like McGee until he was sued for housing discrimination by the Nixon justice department.
He prefers right wing blowhards who didn’t contract cancer.
Well, we’ve gone around the bend. The entire federal structure has corroded from the top into a complete circus. All we need to make the Idiocracy transformation complete is to put Gatorade on our “thirsty” crops.
You are healthier for it.
You GO, Madame Speaker! Stand up to the bully.
The reaction by James Clyburn of S. Carolina was priceless;shaking his head in utter disgust.
The Dignity of one of the last of the Tuskegee Airmen- 100 year old Charles McGee…listening to trump brag about himself.
Trump: “A few weeks ago, I signed a bill promoting Charles McGee to brigadier general. … Gen. McGee, our nation salutes you.”
I love Nancy Pelosi.
the grand finale was robbed from President Trump by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. After he ended the address, she dramatically tore up his speech, while still in her position immediately behind the President, right where the cameras could see her.
As I understand it, the full story tonight is this:
Although, that obviously isn’t the whole story either. It omits: