Are you not paying attention? The answer is because he’s an ABSOLUTE MORON.
But Trump’s uncle once taught at MIT, so it’s all good.
President Donald Trump apparently didn’t know that cameras were still rolling after he addressed the nation. Watching a C-SPAN video revealed that Trump nonchalantly lamented, “Okaaaaaaaaay,” and ripped off of his microphone.
The Retard is strong in this one, Obi-wan.
She’s got a ticket to ride
But she don’t care
I think I’m gonna be sad
I think it’s today yeah
The girl that’s driving me mad
Is going away, yeah
I hope that mare isn’t named Trigger or Jr. is going to have a cow.
The UK has more cases than we do. Well, to be fair, more that we know about because they, like most of the industrial world, is doing massive testing. We likely have exponentially more.
The EU should be imposing a ban on travel from the US any day to be safe.
It’s 11:51 PM ET as I write this.
The Dow futures response to Mango Mussolini’s dumber-than-fuck-shit address is -1142 points right now. The Market is speaking to Orange Anus, and he repeatedly fails to learn.
12:09 PM ET … -1100 points down. One Heckuva Job.
The Department of Homeland Security offered a few paragraphs of detail Wednesday night after President Donald Trump announced the suspension of travel from Europe into America for 30 days, excluding travel from Britain.
cracks open soda
I, for one, welcome our new viral overlords. Hello, Darkness, my old friend . . .
Anyone else feel like they are watching an oncoming train wreck in slow motion? With no way to get out of the path?
If you’re interested in the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, I recommend watching this episode of the American Experience:
But, but Jared will have a plan. He always comes up something.
Something’s clearly not right here, that can’t be explained by mere incompetence and/or indifference. For starters, anyone wanting to come to the US from the continent need only find a way into the UK, if only on a transit basis, and then catch a flight here. This will, of course, subject the UK to greater exposure to the virus, forcing it to close the door to the continent, kind of Brexit on steroids, just as this actual travel ban is Trump’s distancing the US from the continent on steroids.
It almost…seems…scripted. Yes, I’m going there. Something just doesn’t seem right, and I assume that everyone knows what I’m getting at. This travel ban will in no meaningful way stop the spread of the virus here. What it will do is further distance and alienate us from our best allies. Hmm, who gains from that, yet again? Now, I’m not saying that Putin created and spread this virus, but he sure gains from it.
Are they exploiting it for their own dark purposes, Trump perhaps to allow him to remain in office under precisely the sort of emergency powers that such an emergency could give him, Putin to further harm the NATO alliance? Or, is there more to it? Again, something just doesn’t feel right here.
Donald is nuts PERIOD
Mostly the old are dropping dead from it. Anybody can get it.
Yes, all of us except the Trump lemmings who will follow him off the cliff.
Narrator: “In reality the ban had absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus. This was actually about sticking it to the EU, on orders from Vladimir.”
Trump’s travel ban doesn’t apply to US citizens or permanent residents traveling from the EU.
How does the virus know if it’s inside an American citizen or some Italian person flying here via Heathrow in the UK?
Trump’s an idiot.
It’s like leaving the porch lights on to scare away bunglers while a rabid bear is in your living room.
It literally is. As we are finding out.
Well, dummy, Americans are so exceptional that the virus just knows enough to leave.
Those Americans who got it and died were just not American enough… Or possibly Dems.