Trump’s List Of Sec. Of State Replacement | Talking Points Memo

Kobach got beat by a Democrat for governor a year ago. That’s hard to do in a state that’s as beet-red as Kansas. I wouldn’t count on him winning the nomination for the R’s, and there would be an excellent chance of him losing the general even if he won the nomination. It’s the kind of nomination Dems need to flip the Senate.


This story makes me sick to my stomach. He posed with the corpse of a dead teenager as if the boy was a trophy. The picture is disgusting -he grabbed the hair of the boy and held his head up. This was not a fog of war event. Gallagher clearly wanted it memorialized and he appeared to enjoy it. This is who Trump pardoned and glorified.


In case he still has to pass a security clearance, that won’t happen. Of course, they’ve probably since changed the rules on what passes for a security clearance, or at least the people who conduct them have been replaced allowing anyone, even a traitor to the US and a Russian asset to fill that position now.

Oh, and they can even use their private phone, maybe even burn phones now, and have a WhatsApp app on it just in case they want private conversations off the books. All in a day’s work.


Well I take heart from knowing his fellow Seals feel like you and me about him.


I think he’s been asked by tRump to campaign with him too. That’s also sickening. They think this is about pwning the libs but its just more degenerate shit they keep trying to rationalize because it really bothers a lot of people from all backgrounds, that tRump pardoned this monster criminal.

Cruelty and grievance is still at the heart of tRumpian worldview.


LoU doBBs, obviously :roll_eyes:


It will always be at the heart of Trump’s worldview. It’s just weird that he can draw so many into it and they go voluntarily.


In matters like this, the names Putin and Trump are interchangeable. A = B. More precisely, DT = VP.


The U.S. is a big country…For comparison, England is the size of North Carolina and the U.K. is the size of NC and VA. Big countries move slowly (see below):

It has taken us a long time to get to the “righteous anger” which I am beginning to see more and more.

I give thanks to:

  • Robert Mueller (nationally)

  • People in broadcast, print and web outlets providing messages and data

  • @khyber900 (for readers of this site)

  • Positive-thinking posters on this site

For sustaining us during the very dangerous initial months of the Trump presidency, when we were all trying to get a sense of how to deal with this Russian Invasion, in which a soul-less ruler set about to divide–like a maniac with a meat cleaver–the population of the United States.

Perhaps because the only way Trump could be removed required legal means (always slow) this struggle has been so ardurous. For comparison, WWII, from 12/7/41 until 6/6/44 (a time in which most people felt the war would be won by us) had been going on (FOR US) for about 30 months.

And few people are publicly saying definitively we got Trump beat.

This is a great big sprawling country we have.



Not weird at all. Just a facet of human nature that some can appeal to.


I’m only surprised Eric Prince -purveyor of the black arts -didn’t make the cut.


Those of you who say that it doesn’t matter who takes on the role are probably right. The criteria for acceptability in Trumpworld are a bit different than in any other administration: Loyalty to the boss, willingness to be the fall guy, no independence whatever, public subserviance, and satisfaction with being randomly replaced on a whim. Oh, and no obvious displays of genuine competence — ever.


It has become more clear that they own cruelty, ugliness, verbal diarrhea, child abuse and every form of corruption. This is who they are. Never forget 35% of our fellow Americans are fine with all of the above in their relentless pursuit of owning us. Judgment is coming. It will not be generous or kind.


Mnuchin wants the job so he can fly for free all over the world with his bimbo trophy wife.


Don’t forget to include George “stand your ground” Zimmerman. He has just the right kind of whine to pair with Trump’s cheese.


The list seems incomplete.

I don’t see Rep. Gaetz, Lev Parnas or those two guys who wore the “I’d rather be Russian than Democrat” shirts on the list.

Also, don’t rule out the toilet that doesn’t take 10-12 flushes as a dark horse candidate.


This is another job for Kris Kobach. Why can’t he run against Pompeo for Kansas senate and simultaneously angle for Pompeo’s old job?

I don’t think Kushner wants a real job where he’s expected to show up 5 days a week. Also, as SoS he can’t travel without a bunch of staff and paperwork and press following him around.


Don’t mean to join you in going OT, but I just finished reading this story at NYT and a short video of Gallaher starting in on killing wounded Islamic fighter.
