Donald Trump is rapidly cementing his legacy as the worst “president” in American history. If he also takes down the two RethugliCON senatorial candidates in Georgia, so much the better.
Are they really going to feed on each other? I am mesmerized. I will be ok either way the stimulus goes, but we got folks in trouble here. She is not looking to help, and donny wants to play let’s you and him fight.
“unexpected”? No, not really.
Toddler saying “look at me.”
Totally expected.
I think Loeffler and Perdue should both pay all Americans the full gains they made in 2020 stock trades.
Seems fair.
We have a winner! That is the correct answer. In fact you can see people on Parler saying they’d be able to give more if they got another check.
And now susPence appears to be campaigning for the Dem Senate candidates in Georgia, saying “[Democrats] want to make rich people poorer, and poor people more comfortable.”
An enigma wrapped in a combover inside a bad suit.
“To twist the knife further: Perdue and Loeffler’s races were the primary reason for McConnell decision to support direct payments in the final weeks of 2020, after months of opposing them.”
Now that I think about it, this is actually a pretty decent fuck you from Trump to McConnell.
And Mitch was worried about the January 6th vote making him look bad. Now he is The SuperGrinch!
With ever-heightening lifts in his shoes to keep him just under “obese” on standardized height/weight charts. Soon enough he’ll be wearing stilts.
At least we now know where the most odious Republicans are willing to buck their feckless leader. Guess it’s their “let them eat cake” moment.
I consider her more of a “booby prize”.
There must be some Depends lurking in there.
Back in the early 90s, when I had (peripheral) involvement in the banking industry, I often heard the suits casually toss around the term “unit”, as in, “He’s a four-unit guy,” or “He’s only a one-unit guy.”
I quickly learned that a “unit” was $100 million in net worth – quite a sum back then – but this is the world in which people like Loeffler live. It’s a completely different planet, and those on this planet are mere insects to be avoided or squashed.
I shutter to think how much a “unit” is worth nowadays, after three decades of virtually-unchecked Voodoo Economics and its perpetual, precipitous wealth inequality.
This makes perfect sense. See, Jesus said we’d have the poor with us always. If we go making them too comfortable, they may not be so poor, and then Jesus would be wrong. Jesus cannot be wrong, so we can’t make the poor too comfortable. (I mean, we know they’re already just loafing on Democrat welfare, so we should probably make them less comfortable.)
What would Jesus not do? That’s what we should do, because Jesus.
Georgians tied up in a Gordian Knot.
Well, even VP Pence is on record as saying that “Democrats want to make rich people poorer, and poor people more comfortable.” That was said as a warning to struggling Americans about the dangers of electing Democrats to the Senate in Georgia.
I agree. Do I hear $2500?
Maybe a “unit” isn’t even a thing anymore. Don’t they measure in fractions of a Bezo?