When you report to the person in charge of your paycheck and performance review, what do you think the odds are that you’re going to find in an investigation anything that would potentially be embarrassing either personally or professionally to that individual?
A couple decades of experience around IGs in a major government agency is what feeds that skepticism.
Unless the boss is caught sleeping around with subordinates, investigations never touch the folks at the top of the organization. When they do investigate them, they’re almost always found to have been doing things properly and in accordance with the law.
I’m not sure what he is talking about. I can think of no better person to evaluate the safety of vaccines and other highly complex, scientific issues with life-and-death consequences than a corrupt president desperate for re-election.
They were able to DO that because they weren’t paying for travel or bodyguards or much of anything else. They were getting ‘bids’ because Daddy was the President.
You mean safeguards like prosecuting Trump for giving large US Corporations millions of doses of the vaccine in exchange for campaign donations…to Trump after he lost in November.
Why did giant US corporations get vaccines before phase 1a and phase 1b. The corporations like Goldman and Merck and Baxter vaccinated executives and managers who were working remotely from home!
Exactly. The media gave Trump a large quantity of undeserved attention and air time in 2015-2016, they’re making the exact same mistake with Greene by reporting on every utterance of hers. Though I think we readers/comments can help by not clicking or commenting on articles about her (or Trump for that matter) as much as we can…it’s not easy.
The big problem here is that the loonies that are motivated to vote in the low turnout primaries. The role of the political parties has to be restored.