The three Republicans who have launched long-shot primary challenges against President Trump published an op-ed in the Washington Post on Friday evening, condemning the GOP for allowing the cancelation of Republican primary elections in several states.
They’re goading him. If History is a guide, he’ll take the bait. CNN will offer a Republican debate because why wouldn’t they? And Trump won’t be satisfied just being a TV Critic–he’ll want to be on this new ratings grabber of a tv series!
This won’t change anything but it will get under Trump’s thin orange veneer. It also points out the widespread cowardice in the GOP, which is a good thing.
Pleased to see anyone taking the fight to Trump. But the nationalistic dreck speak is nauseating. I really hope our candidates avoid this kind of jingoism.
Cowards run from fights. Warriors stand and fight for what they believe. The United States respects warriors. Only the weak fear competition.”
Which is why the GOP has spent the better part of the last two decades gerrymandering districts, throwing up barriers to vote, and literally cheating its way through elections.
I’m glad to see this. Keep calling him a coward. But there’s no way in hell he will debate them or anyone. The only mystery is what he’ll claim as his rationale. “We already know I’m the most popular president in history.” Also, I read that the money spent on suing the states cancelling the primaries will far outweigh one of the lame excuses the RNC cites.
Hell, if Newton were alive today he would make it the Fourth Law of Motion—when Trump is challenged he moves to his phone and starts tweeting about how these guys are boring low-rating losers who aren’t even already president yadda yadda.
One would think he would avoid any debates, but it is very hard to believe that if there is a spotlight shining anywhere he’s not right smack in the middle of it.
Trump has already said he won’t debate because his GOP poll numbers are very high and his opponents lack validity. I think he’ll just keep saying that. He doesn’t want to share a stage anymore or ‘behave.’ I’m willing to bet he won’t debate the Dem nominee, either.
Undoubtedly, Trump will call them “losers”, say he’s much too busy making “deals” for the American people, and move on.
Now, if they really want to get through to Trump, they should have said all this from a rented ballroom in a Trump hotel. Or at least offered to hold the debate there.
I look at it as can Trump face up to the challenge of other Republicans. People who have been “Republicans” and Trumplicans" far longer than Dear Leader.
Trump can scream and jump up and down while pointing out that Democratic party members are Socialists, Atheists, and any other kind of -ist he can think of. But can he stand and defend himself against creating deficits and tariffs?
Walsh is a repugnant crazy guy, but he’s also a sold rightie unlike Weld and Sanford (if he’s even in). I’m wondering if Walsh won’t be attractive to some of 45’s crazy righties who have gone off him but can’t and won’t go to the left.
I can’t imagine a scenario where 45 won’t get on a debate stage if for no other reason but to be seen and heard by hogging the spotlight. Rag on a Democratic opponent, rag on a R opponent live and on air. It’s golden.