Trump Refuses To Believe Polls Showing Him Losing To Biden: ‘Made Up Nonsense’

As this information starts to sink into his pea sized brain, he’ll be firing people on his campaign right and left and maybe a few within his admin just for good measure.


Some policy guy left yesterday -


There you have it; a foreshadowing of his intentions on relinquishing power. He’ll simply declare that a Biden win is fraudulent and will refuse to leave the WH. How satisfying it will be to see the Orange Judas led from the WH in cuffs (and not the French kind).


The voters had it right in 2016, but we have an anti-democratic electoral college system that made an incompetent man the President.


Actually, the American people are smart, by almost three million votes. It was the Electoral College that put tRump into office.

ETA. I see @moniker beet me to it.


He says he is on good terms with Trump, uh-huh, uh-huh, just like everybody else who has left in the last three years.


Good for you Donald …you tell 'em. …hundreds of stupid pollsters … talking to millions of stupid people … getting stupid results…
Yes … get mad … scream at them … all of them
spit and scream vulgarities and flail your arms …go out on the White House lawn …march around for a bit … that will draw a crowd (proving to the stupid pollsters that you, indeed, are popular) … but that crowd might be filled with stupid people … and (gasp) Democrats…get furious at them … bend over and moon them … yes show them your contempt by shining you bare ass at them … that will settle the score - that will prove that you - the stable genius - are “Winning”…


" And I don’t think that they will put a man in who’s incompetent.”

This was not what I expected to wake up to-too.


As much as i agree with you, I wish we would stop harping on the EC. The EC has been a part of the US electoral process since the 1700s. Yes, it’s given us W and Trump, but it also gave us all the other Presidents.

It’s why I keep harping on needing a 50 State campaign process. No State left behind. If you don’t campaign there, you can’t expect to win. Yes, it’s expensive, but too bad. If you want to win, you need to put staff on the ground and make sure you don’t lose any State. You can’t win if you don’t play.

Honestly. Dean had it right and we’ve been burned every time we don’t remember this strategy.

@dont @dickweed


I don’t think he has the guts to stage a takeover of the WH after the election. The Secret Service will tell him he has to leave and he will run to one of his private jets and try to find someplace where he can’t be extradited, probably Russia.


Obviously BenedictDonald is unskewing the polls. So 2012!

Karl Rove 2012 comes to mind.


White House Directs Agencies to Plan for Presidential Transition

Under the law, agencies have until Friday to designate career officials to oversee planning.

April 28, 2020 05:49 PM ET

Just days ahead of a statutory deadline on Friday, the Trump administration on Monday released guidance for agencies to begin planning for a potential presidential transition next year…


As in second term, or as in booted off the island, torch snuffed.

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Think what the next Dem administration is going to have to deal with on so many levels. It is mind blowing. The tasks were incredibly daunting before this pandemic, but now.
It happens every time, the Rethugs get elected and trash democracy and its up to the Dems to put it back together again. And, this time it’s not going to be a 4-8 years of getting the laws, the economy, the healthcare back to how it was before this train wreck of tRump came into office. There are just no words to express the irreparable damage he has done enabled by his servants the Rethugs.


No transition team needed for a second term.


Denial: Not just a river trump can’t find on a map.


Constitution says term ends January 20 come hell or high water. Secret Service will put his goods out on Pennsylvania Avenue. I’d pay to see that.


Actually, I agree. He knows he’ll be prosecuted in SDNY as soon as he’s out of office, so he’ll probably flee the country, and Russia is a likely hideout.


Rutro. Trump is about to find out his whole presidency was more Truman Show than Truman Doctrine.


Number one item on the guidance list was buy more shredders.