Re-direct, Your Honor. In you words,Sir: “I have never jerked it while eating pizza, which is seriously weird.”
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, in his OWN words, the defendant says that it is normal to “Eat pizza while jerking is normal”! To “jerk it without eating pizza is Weird”!
I have to wonder if he folds his pizza, and if so, what he folds it over! Was he sitting on a couch at the time?
Sustained! The Jury will disregard!
Judge Cannon gavels , delivers a verdict of acquittal to the jury…
Well, apparently you’re lacking essential characteristics to be a prime MAGA candidate for high office! You need get a grip on yourself & get experience in different facets of life!
“Poorer” ? -… than he was on paper months ago - but it all was pretty much fantasy money that was on paper - the hyped-up “value” was a lot of hot air - the enterprise has no genuine worth - it is a lame speculation - that is only propelled by the connection to Trump… and like all things connected to Trump - it is essentially a scam to funnel $$$ to Trump.
Are they in time the official date in order to change ballots in all 50 states?
I could see Chump doing that…he always wants to act like he is the big chief decider, and be seen FIRING folks, and the chessmaster moving pieces around. It would also give him the added chaos of having every state have to change ballots and cracks he could exploit in challenges to the election. “Due to the unprecedented problems that _____ County experienced with ballot issues…”
I think we are violently agreeing on this matter It’s a scam and the only beneficiary will be TCF and whoever manages to skim some off the top before it collapses - probably whoever is shorting the stock at the moment. Though surprisingly only 10M shares are short, 2.6 days to cover. That is 17% of the public float though, and the traded volume is high on a daily basis.
Huh? None of this has to do with schools teaching science. Recall:
“We” gets quite a workout here. Normally you are a thoughtful writer, but this is over-the-top anti-intellectualism - the kind you yourself decry.
This is needless and gratuitous. Here is the Northeast, we have high poverty - among the highest in the U.S. And yes, somehow, “we” teach science. I enter my 36th year as an early childhood educator.
Also nothing to do whatsoever with the subject at hand.
Hey, I know of districts in the deep red south whose schools are among the best in our country. Among the highest performing school in the world includes no-name schools in Northern Illinois.
Thank you. It’s good you understand the state is the central organizing unit of education in the U.S. (Some here don’t seem to get that. There are numerous instances throughout the U.S. of unusually highly performing school districts in otherwise mediocre or worse states.) From what little I know it seems Washington ranks fairly highly in the U.S. It depends on the strength and leadership of a state’s education department with respect to curriculum and standards (and so much more else).
It also depends on the affordability of housing for young (and lower-salary) workers. For example, where I live we have NO decent affordable housing, so we can’t get competent teachers to come or stay here. Even the tier four (the lowest of the rank) hospital cannot get competent allied health staff (even medical staff) to work here. Consequently, our housing costs effect the quality of life for all families, except the wealthiest, who come here from Seattle and California, and build or buy $2 Million homes in a heartbeat. Not exactly affordable for a public school teacher, or an X-ray technician.