The New York Supreme Court has ordered President Donald Trump to pay $2 million for using charitable funds to bolster his 2016 campaign.
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The New York Supreme Court has ordered President Donald Trump to pay $2 million for using charitable funds to bolster his 2016 campaign.
The Trump Foundation has shut down, funds that were illegally misused are being restored, the president will be subject to ongoing supervision by my office, and the Trump children had to undergo compulsory training to ensure this type of illegal activity never takes place again,”
Will illegal misuse (such as extortion) of Congress appropriated funds (aid to an ally) enough to send someone out of office then perhaps to prison for other crimes too?
Please say yasss!
Trump Ordered To Pony Up $2M
How many ponies will the state of New York get for $2M?
The entire Trump enterprise ought to be as throughly examined in a manner similar to the rapper TI’s daughter.
I still love the idea that Trump’s jack ass supporters think the “Trump charity” was money that he donated to the fund.
What Trump did with his “charitable foundation” to enrich and benefit himself is truly reprehensible (and I say that as someone who has worked in the nonprofit sector with a lot of charitable foundations).
But, I’m not sure it even makes the Top Ten List of Trump’s corruption.
"She said the foundation engaged in a “shocking pattern” of “repeated and willful self-dealing,” including buying a $10,000 portrait of Trump to hang at one of his golf courses.
“This amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests,” Underwood said in a statement late last year."
The small part of me wishes Obama had used the power of the presidency to go after Donald Trump personally for 8 years.
Yeah, the WHCD was really not enough, as it turned out.
@filmknight Here’s the painting you mention:
sorry, but any verdict against Trump that doesn’t end in handcuffs and a perp walk is unsatisfying at this point…
IIRC Trump was fined $150,000 in FL for some property code violations. He asked the township if he could donate the money to charity instead. They fell for it.Trump paid off his fine using someone else’s money donated to “his” charity.
Total POS.
Looks like a “paint by number” painting copied from a photograph projected onto a canvas.
Some portrait.
Donald J. Trump, King of the Pig People
2 Million is a drop in the bucket for a gazillion-air like tRump… I am awaiting his tweet that points this out
And how many people that created a charity for cancer, an example, that proved to be a scam went to jail. That is exactly where each of these perps need to be. They should be treated exactly as all other scammers.
That story is playing out all over the place for Trump businesses.
$2 million might not be pocket change for him after all.
The 11% they have managed was tRUmp’s visit to the city last week paid for by taxpayers.
Gail Collins at the NYT obsessively refers to Trump as a “thousandaire”.
“The New York Supreme Court has ordered President Donald Trump to pay $2 million for using charitable funds to bolster his 2016 campaign.”
That news was probably delivered in and envelope slid under the door.
And this was way before this latest bit of news.
" (The president, for his part, has called himself a “very stable genius.”) Now, he’s tweeting more than ever and spiking his public appearances with profanity and name-calling."
You know who WASN’T ordered to pay $2 million for embezzling charity funds for the 2016 campaign?
Hillary Clinton.