Soon: “I barely knew Chris Miller, who was awful at his job and mad that I didn’t bring him to Mar-a-Lago, which I personally refused to do because he was so, so bad.”
Carol Loennig who broke the story just said they have. It’s not a separate investigation solely focused on Trump. However, they are investigating Trump as a target. She made that very clear. She said that it isn’t a fishing expedition, that they are asking people direct questions about his conduct in an attempt to get people on record in formal way to be potentially used at trial. She also said that there are others who have testified that we don’t yet know about and she suggested that seditious conspiracy to obstruct seems to be one of the many charges they’re contemplating.
Also, fun fact…Matt Schlapp’s wife is Cuban.
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They were double top secret orders to the REAL commander of U.S. military forces, Mike Flynn.
AG Garland needs to study Takeda Shingenūrinkazan.
He’s busy.
Dems STILL in disarray!
It is obvious that many former tRump crew members have realized tRump will/can do nothing to protect them. Miller is the latest. Telling investigators the truth is their protection.
Good morning. DOJ is not the only person looking at TFG’s bullshit sandwich. This means there are corroborating witnesses.
Murdoch will have no problem getting back into bed with tfg if it comes to that. But I do like to think about how angry this is making him.
Ethnographically speaking, if you did an “24 and Me” DNA test on the present Hungarian population, I’m pretty sure you’d find it already one of the most “mixed-race” nations of the World!
Yeah, that’s what happens when you live on the invasion path. But Shaka Zulu never invaded Hungary…
@discobot display help
If ever there were a bot that needs to be shown the door …
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}
Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message.
can be one of:tutorial, advanced tutorial
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
It’s not a big lie George. It’s alternative facts.
There is also the problem that ‘races’ as we commonly think about them don’t really exist. Race is at best an artificial concept that might have some limited use for studying differences in human populations. 90%+ of the time people are actually referring to ethnic groups or nationalities.
How many CPAC members are Hispanic or Jewish? Will Sen Tim Scott attend?
Hello. I woke up in a bad mood and I’m kinda crabby this morning.
@discobot roll 3d10
5, 8, 4
A post of mine from another thread:
["Trump on crimin’
- “ I walk on all charges because I’m Trump! ”
- “ I help things along by crimin’ so much that Law Enforcement can’t keep up! ”
- “ My people LOVE me and no jury can convict me! ”
- “ The GOP got my back! ”
- “ FOX got my back! ”
…until … it ain’t so"]