Trump Mocked For Taking ‘Full Responsibility’ On COVID And Also None At All | Talking Points Memo

President Donald Trump on Thursday gestured at possibly taking some responsibility for a failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, before quickly retreating into a familiar blame game with China.

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I’m rubber, you’re glue.


This is Donnie to a ‘T’…he talks out of both sides of his mouth so you can never pin him down to one position. And then when accused he screams ‘Fake news!’ because at one time he said ‘I take responsibility’ BUT ‘it’s China’s fault!’…He does it constantly.


" ‘Responsibility’ is for you to observe so I can take the credit."
– Trump manual, chapter 3


Pop Quiz

SUPERMAN is to Kryptonite


TRUMP is to…

(answer: Accountability)


[1] The more I think about it, the more I think “I take full responsibility. It’s not my fault” is going to be a truly iconic debate line.

[2] It’s “who am I? Why am I here?” level work.

— Ezra Klein

I do hope Young Ezra is right about [1].

He’s ridiculously wrong about [2]. The late Admiral Stockdale and what he said at that debate are in no way comparable to Trump.


Don’t worry, Trumpkins. I’m sure the Lincoln Project guys weren’t watching or anything like that.


Not surprising at all

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Yep. It’s the pure, essential Trump. If you can get credit for taking responsibility for something, then oh yeah in the abstract he takes responsibility, he says the words because he knows he’ll get the brownie points, but the part of responsibility where you accept the blame for failure, that part no no no, it’s not his fault, it’s China’s fault for letting it slip out the screen door, it’s Obama’s fault for leaving him empty shelves that weren’t empty, it’s the blue state governor’s fault, it’s Mister Nobody’s fault, no, the blame part, he’s not taking responsibility for that.


I’m old enough to remember when it was the World Health Organization that was at fault.


Have to hope that the lack of a grotesque “own goal” … and really that was all that Trump walked away with last night -
Have to hope it causes the Loncoln Project folks to roll out the heavy artillery … the armor piercing radioactive shells …and Jack up the volume.
Take comfort in the fact that they did not embark upon this effort just to try to get Trump to behave a bit better… they want Trump and everything with in 10 miles of him obliterated … never to tread in the political arena again.
These folks see themselves as proud professionals … they have a lot of ego and pride tied up in this as well … they know … take a swing at the king … well you better take him out … or he will have you beheaded.


Has the motherfucker vapor-locked yet?


With Donnie all you get is smoke and mirrors and orangeness and strange hair.


Here in deep red Oklahoma I just saw a Trump ad that used selective bits of Hunter emails to “prove” that Biden sold out the country. The ad assumes that people are already knowledgeable about the emails, so I’m guessing it’s focused on keeping people in the fold.


Trump thinks he can “tough-guy talk” anybody into submission…
… but was disproven in debate #1

Trump thinks he can be “the world’s greatest smooth persuasive communicator”
… fell seriously hideously short of that last night

No minds were changed… no votes were captured… and if the prevailing tide has been that inch by inch … step by step more and more people are finding Trump unworthy of a second term … well, that tide was not altered.


Fat Nixon couldn’t tell the truth if our lives depended on it.



There are probably 50 million people that have lost their jobs, their homes, some family members, kids out of school, savings depleted, health insurance lost, forgoing needed prescription drugs, suffering insomnia, depressed. suicidal, no where or no one to turn to.

I wonder what they think of all the box score keeping and naval gazing about the debates? Did anything that happened last night between 9:00PM EST and 10:30PM EST mend their broken lives?


/[quote=“sysprog, post:4, topic:198207”]
This is Donnie to a ‘T’…he talks out of both sides of his mouth so you can never pin him down to one position

I think part of it is he speaks in fragments. So it’s not a noun, a verb, and 9/11, but that what he said in one fragment can or can’t be linked to the next fragment.
Is this so they can edit his remarks for Trump videos? Is this what they did on the Apprentice? They spliced fragments together to make it look like he can form a coherent thought?