but hate
Trump, as usual, is exactly wrong. The reason last night was much more peaceful than the night before was because the police -judging from my Twitter feed in communities across the nation - behaved like peace officers, as full members of their community, rather than as an invading militarized army. Peace begets peace and violence begets violence. Trump wants…no…needs violence to salvage his flailing campaign.
I’m dealing with Trump supporters on Facebook who are flipping out at the “tyranny of curfews”, but somehow I bet they will be just fine with military troops on the streets attacking citizens protesting the injustice of our policing system. It’s obvious that Trump wants this to get out of control so he can be seen as a hero dominating the liberals who are causing mayhem…as with most of what he does, that’s not only based in fiction but it’s going to cause a lot of pain and death if his plans come to fruition.
Moscow rich Mitch naked on the floor of the Senate standing along side Chuck Grassley -uh no.
The ratings would sag on Cspan
Right. But that causes narcissistic injury. Really big ones, because its being played out on such a large scale. So his need to lash out will be equally large.
Of course, lashing out at governors makes him look even weaker, which in turn causes more injury. This is the cycle he is on now, and it will probably continue through November.
It was a bit of a rag tag group last night in Seattle. The police were respectful and definitely knew who the leaders were and paid no attention to a couple of loud mouths -one guy with a long stringy blondish ponytail and a trumpet was completely obnoxious. It seems like City leaders were quite surprised by the level of violence and mayhem on Saturday night.
apologies to @drriddle I was responding to pshah.
Nothing like a quivering mass of terrified orange jelly yelling “You’re weak” at someone else.
So now the Bunker Bitch lives in Manhattan again?
Estoy confundido. Y a él también.
Gaddafi was hardly a democrat – no question – he was an army officer, after all – but, if for no other reason than to learn from mistakes, we should recall that (1) his rise to power was built on the abuses of (British) colonialism; and that (2) when groups in Libya sought to get rid of him early on, our own US government, seeking to ingratiate itself, sabotaged those efforts, and more than once.
Plus, within Libya, Gaddafi should be credited with remedying to some extent the absurd concentration of wealth that the British had engendered. That he was himself corrupt is true, but does not erase other truths.
In short, it’s easy – and also accurate – to refer to Gaddafi as a tyrant – but the whole truth is slightly more complicated.
Oh I agree. He will be in a defensive crouch until November. He is scared out of his mind. But I wonder how one activates Bill Barr and strongly no less? Put him on a catapult? Put a whoopy cushion on his chair? Give him a big juicy cheese burger?
Trump needs to be removed before this situation becomes politically irretrievable.
Not sure – but then again, I’m a pervert.
Why do you tease me like that??
This is a sign of how desperate his flailing is this morning, and is very indicative of his current mental state. He merely sees Barr as one of his loyalists, and one in charge of locking people up and also people who have guns, so he latches on the name and tosses it out there.
You must have the secret to eternal youth.
Donald J. Trump: Bloviator-in-Chief and Blatherer-in-Chief
Oh yes, the governors got the full force of Trump’s crazy cakes. His word choice wrt Barr made me laugh though. Barr is pretty nuts himself but smarter and far more devious. The call was described as unhinged but what else is new, he is unhinged most of the time.
I’d say more terror than hate – but, as always, I could be wrong.
Bunker Boy hid in the basement bunker quaking in fear. He’s the biggest coward in the room. He can’t even put together a coherent sentence that would help unite this country because he is shaking so hard. We can all see what a pathetic pos he is.
his rise to power was built on the abuses of (British) colonialism;
Incorrect. First off, Libya was an Italian colony, not a British one. Secondly, he led a military coup that overthrew the Senussi monarchy. Idris, the leader of that monarchy, became the ruler of Libya after the United Nations made it an independent country in the aftermath of WWII. Idris was somewhat western leaning, opening up military bases to both the UK and the US, which upon seizing power, Gaddafi promptly closed.
Plus, within Libya, Gaddafi should be credited with remedying to some extent the absurd concentration of wealth that the British had engendered.
Again, the British did not concentrate wealth in Libya, as there were never in Libya. Libya was a relatively poor country until the discovery of oil in the late 50s…which was while Idris was in power.