Yeah, but the hatefest rallies ought to be interesting.
Let him. He won’t get far once his tax returns are finally made public.
Or Saudi Arabia. Or North Korea.
He needs something to assuage his fragile ego, so let him think it is possible to run and win in 2024. He could start raising funds for his campaign and anyone who is stupid enough to contribute deserves to get scammed.
It’s Four Seasons Landscaping and worse from here on out…
I wish I could say the same.
More to the point, save us taxpayers the legal fees.
Besides, I thought Donnie Jr was looking at a 2024 run. Maybe he and his daddy should arm wrestle to decide who gets to run.
Just think. All those America First people who refuse to learn Spanish will be fluent in Russian by 2024.
From Four Seasons Landscaping to the Waldorf Hysteria.
He’ll be dead or in exile by 2024.
Yep, @tena got there before me–as she so often does!
Yep. That pathetic presser will likely be the high point of what remains of Trump’s presidency.
For sure. There’s still money to funnel to his kids’ paid companions, skim off the top for media buys, citys to stiff on policing bills, and so on. And of course there’s the Presidential Library fund to loot, as well.
He can take lessons from Jim Traficant about jailhouse campaigns. They have similar hair issues.
Or, now just work with me on this, put a really heavy metal plate over the spider hole and then some nice furniture over it and we kinda forget that this guy ever happened?
Just a thought…
The only trump I want to hear about is when playing cards.
That’ll come in handy when he needs a pruno recipe.
Sure, keep the 2024 Fantasy Trope alive, as it makes Hawley, Rubio, Cruz and Cotton crap their pants every day as they try to navigate with the Cult Base that survives the Trump Virus.
Well you have 4 years to forget and he will not be a thing much longer.
Hang in there.