"I was just joking about death.
Never mind" - D. Trump, the grimmest reaper
"I was just joking about death.
Never mind" - D. Trump, the grimmest reaper
Does this anal orifice actually believe that this is a time for humor and sarcasm?
Now that the death toll has exceeded 50,000, might be a good idea to tone down the humor during the briefings.
So, the maker of Lysol was also being sarcastic when he suggested you shouldn’t inject it into your veins to cure what ails you. Two sarcasms cancel each other out, right? So, it must be OK. Or not. I’m confused.
Clueless and shameless.
and those are his good qualities!!
Gives a new meaning to “Did you catch my set? It killed!”
Oh nose. His ‘sarcastic’ excuse isn’t going to sit well with all the Right Wing Nut Jobs who are - as we type, explaining how BRILLIANT he was and what ‘injection’ really meant to us stupid libs…
So, he doesn’t understand video, either?
The list grows longer … we saw you, Blob.
50000 is when you need it the most! Once you get to 100k the numbers kind of run together and you get numb, but at 50k you’re still thinking about persons. And there’s only one cure for that! Inappropriate Sarcasm!
I assume he said this as he was taking his hand out of the cookie jar.
Remember he’s had “great ratings” and he’s not used to those kinds of “models”!
“Va va va voooom - get it. Models!”
The man is entirely devoid of wit. It took them until 1:00 pm EDT to come up with this “explanation “. If the explanation was remotely close to true, a better timed “clarification” would have been immediately after no one laughed or at least before Lysol felt compelled to issue a warning already printed on their product.
This was sarcasm-
The spiel about injecting disinfectants was not, it was ignorance and stupidity.
Chris Cuomo’s wife is taking baths in Clorox…the stupid is strong in this one:
“I was only fooling” is the cowardly cry of bullies everywhere.
She’s not the President
“I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Trump said in the Oval Office, according to a pool report.
When reporters questioned the sarcasm defense, Trump claimed it was a “pun”.
In response to push back on that line, he claimed it was “allegory”.
Sources now say the White House plans to release an “onomatopoeia” defense later this afternoon.
Didn’t he use this “sarcastic” excuse a couple weeks ago after a similar dumb shit comment? Any help here?