Trump Inaugural Celebration Bigwigs Sit For DC AG Depositions | Talking Points Memo

It’s being run out the D.C. DAs office, not DOJ. It’s a local investigation, like in NYC.


That huge price tag triggered astonishment, scrutiny, revelations of mismanagement, and investigations at the federal and state levels.

It wasn’t mismanagement, it was purposely missed management. Management was missed so the grift could grab.


Get your rear ends used to those deposition chairs.

The filth that saturates this family is beyond belief. Just reading this is gagging me. They will all be shitting their pants eventually. But who would know?

Oh, ok…that’s potentially better…the phrasing of “DC attorney general” made that confusing for me for some reason hehe


What’s key is why was the Trump inaugural more costly than the previous Obama and Bush ones?
There were obviously fewer attendees Sean Spicer notwithstanding and Three Doors Down going rate has to be in bar band territory.
Remember all of the brew ha ha over Hillary’s Whitewater special council appearance? Her dress was critiqued. William Safire was writing missives about congenital liars. Over some bad land deal and legal work. With the Trumps we’ve become sadly inured to the worst behavior and corruption imaginable.


That means no pardons from Daddykins.

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It’s to be hoped for, but D.C. has a unique status in this country, so I really don’t know what the regulations would be regarding the applicability of a Federal pardon.


She is a master at giving non answers, far more polished that daddy.


How can one claim that they can’t “recall” when they turn over a 4 year old email? Which of course should be fully vetted that it wasn’t created last month to cover someone’s ass.


I think, if it was federal, it’d fall under the auspices of one of the US attorney’s offices, Eastern District of Virginia, Southern District of New York, or what have you.

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I’m waiting for them to claim that the District of Columbia is a federal jurisdiction and call the investigation moot.


I bet they didn’t. That’s the whole purpose of Trump Org, to provide a network to facilitate money laundering and keep Trump out of that sort of trouble. He even has plausible deniability, he didn’t know what specifically was going on, his accountants took care of that.

Trump Org is going to be facing a very rough road over the next 10 years or so, though.


Are you saying they are going to go through some things?


You can present them with the document, mark it as an exhibit and ask them if it refreshes their memory and they can just say “'nope” or “I don’t remember sending that” or whatever…and the ones who think they’re truly clever will try to say something that denies that the document is what it purports to be on its face…“I don’t remember sending that and I don’t think I did, so I can’t say if that’s really an email from me or someone else using my account.” I’m not saying it’s credible testimony, just that they can do it and it’s annoying as all fucking hell when they do.


All that garbledigook gets so confusing haha


I can’t recall seeing the power of Presidential pardon discussed as may relate to being extended to an entity other than a person. Can a pardon be extended to a company or other organization convicted or accused of a crime?

Section 2.

The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

Seems to me Trump could pardon any and all of the companies under his organization’s umbrella for any Federal offenses they’ve ever committed (known, or unknown, or those yet to be discovered or investigated).

arf. It didn’t look good on Celine Dione and it doesn’t look good on her.

I hope she shivered with cold the entire time.

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Indeed. The Courts have finally made rules about discovery of “Electronically Stored Information” (or other phrasing…that’s what we use in MA though), so you’d have to be braindead not to simultaneously demand all metadata.