Trump II Went On A Weekend Bender The Likes Of Which America Has Never Seen Before

He’ll never go free - he shot a rich guy. The only reason Bernie Madoff went to jail was that he committed the cardinal sin of ripping off other rich guys. Had he just ripped the poor off, he wouldn’t have gotten in the same amount of trouble. Real populists (granted, a somewhat misguided, violent one in this case) terrify performative populists like Trump. Those Jan 6th MAGA guys were brownshirts, loyal to der groppenfuhrer. Mangione was rightfully mad at a rigged system. Big difference.


He, himself, is an affluent white man, and jury selection in a city where the masses support him is getting to be a joke.

He’s got a legimitate shot here.

Well, another one. :smirk:

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Aka, Ms. Greenspan. :thinking::flushed:


Apologies for the poor focus. The bumper sticker says, “I bought this before we knew Elon was crazy.”

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The difference is symbolic, as I understand it. French civil law is not substantially different from English common law. I have literally never heard of an instance where the difference caused a problem, and Canada’s Supreme Court speaks both.

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What I was taught in MBA business law classes was that French law was more “top-down”—that higher principles were established first and then laws deduced from them. English law was “bottom-up”, with basic laws established and higher principles interpreted from them. :thinking::person_shrugging:t2:

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Bingo. The same Alan Greenspan, a Randian ideologue, engineered the rape of the middle class. Is “Whore of Babylon” too strong?