Isn’t Doral under the flight path of Miami International Airport (aptly named MIA)? Wouldn’t that require closure of the airport for a week?
I’d crack up if they refused to pay their bills.
Wait for the “regrets” from G7 leaders as they come up with reasons not to attend. An arms-length decision of course with tiny hands.
FCPA. End of statement.
Add that to the articles of impeachment. Man, these Trumpers have chutzpah! It is so baldly self-enrichment, I don’t even have words.
I saw a report on David Corn’s twitter account they will not allow climate change to be discussed at the summit.
The summit should be boycotted by the other countries.
From the NPR story:
Mulvaney noted that Doral was Trump’s suggestion that staff followed up on. He said “no” when asked if it was better to avoid the appearance of self-dealing, pointing repeatedly to potential cost-savings. He said he would not share documents on the decision-making process.
Even Mulvaney knows this reeks.
Did anyone listen to Mulvaney’s presser? He is a fucking liar, on many issues.
G7 at Doral? He said Mar-a-Lago first, by mistake, and the assembled press had to clarify.
Corruption in plain view. Send in the FBI.
Quoting an unnamed member of the advance team that went on the site search, Mulvaney said: “It’s almost like they built this facility to host this type of event.”
A leak has revealed the advance team member heaping praise on Doral is named John Barron.
Is anyone surprised by this? ANYONE?
Just when things were going so well for him…
Interesting that the PGA stopped going to Doral. If it’s not good enough for the PGA…how can it be good enough for the G7?
Seems like they had to calm Trumpy down this morning and this was the best idea they had.
Eh, President Pelosi will get it changed, no worries. (Hey, leave me to my optimism!)
So watch your goddam fucking language from now on.
Or they should frame every discussion in terms of climate change.
You are a better person than me. I watched just a few minutes of that boot-licker Mulvaney (“no, I had nothing to do with Ukraine, and it was all legal…”) and had to turn it off.
You can spit on the Airport from there
It also sits at the junction of major expressways which if closed down will paralyze West Miami
The big gray area on the right is the airport
I suspect that Trump does not want to host the G-7 next year, and this is how he plans to cancel it.
JFC! Is it just me or does Mulva sound like a middle schooler trying to get the school dance committee to go with balloons instead of streamers?
"And I was like… and then she goes… and then we all were like… "
I hope Mulva is culpable enough to face prison time himself. Hate that little shit.