Trump Has Emboldened Republicans To Be More Hateful Than Ever To Dem Colleagues

You will sometimes read a description of abhorrent behavior followed by the words “This is who we are.” But being a sadistic fascist isn’t for everyone. At a Thanksgiving dinner yesterday a civil rights and immigration lawyer told me local organizations have been planning on how to respond to expected INS extremism. She described the case of a 16 year old boy who was picked up in New York and immediately transported to an immigration facility in Texas, where none of his friends or family could reach him. They expect this sort of enforcement to get a lot worse.


Nope, only one will do, The Jew Bear, h/t to ‘Inglourious Basterds’…

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Trump Has Emboldened Republicans To Be More Hateful Than Ever To Dem Colleagues

Feelings mutual. I haven’t mellowed towards my fellow Republican Americans, not sure I will. Same goes for the IDGAF folks who had better things to do than vote.


I absolutely totally effing agree!


I’m wondering if the HebrewHammer is a Louis Farrakhan protege?

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I’ve wondered about the children that were separated from their parents during the first Trump administration. I know that there were people who were trying to unite kids with their parent. And I do remember some reporting that there were some parents that didn’t want to be found, they were assuming that their kids would stay in the US.
Does anyone know how this went?


Years from now some historian is going to write a book chronicling this era of abhorrent behavior and the decline in civic good: “America, a nation of Karens: 2015-2029”.


Hank Greenberg’s nickname, aka Hammering Hank

It’s his hateful rhetoric that gives me pause not his moniker

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And yet the Anti-Semitic people complain that Jewish people favor Israel over the US. :roll_eyes:

I’m really wondering how/why in the Hell do the British get a free pass with all their Empire building? Everywhere they conquered, expanded, and ruled and yet they never get blamed for creating half the mess they left in the World today.

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