Trump Gets Sentenced To Be First Convict President

Originally published at: Trump Gets Sentenced To Be First Convict President - TPM – Talking Points Memo

NEW YORK—In form, it looked like a sentencing. Donald Trump appeared remotely, but everything else was in place: the judge was seated up high, the defendant and prosecutors positioned down below. But the impression was fleeting. Trump, who will be President in 10 days, was represented by two lawyers who he has said will hold…

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Congratulations to Judge Merchan. He courageously got Skanky’s trial done without a circus. And against all odds.


Esp. with all the clowns in attendance.


Does he lose his guns, or does he get to keep them for official acts?


I loathe that orange turd with the white hot power of a billion stars.


Worst. Netflix series. Ever.


If the SC had not interfered with the presidential immunity ruling, Trump would have been sentenced back in June/July, and that sentence would definitely have had some punishment included. Maybe just probation and a fine, but something. It also may have given pause to some of the people who grudgingly voted for Trump when they heard an actual sentencing statement instead of the one today. Instead, we get this, and I understand why it went this way but it’s supremely frustrating (pun intentional), especially because MAGA is claiming Trump was found innocent because he didn’t get any punishment. I wish Merchan had given Trump something symbolic at least, a $10 fine or whatever, to shut that argument down.

Our government and justice system failed us, and the voters failed to hold back Trump and Republicans. Now, we have to see what happens and hope that our institutions manage to shamble through whatever is thrown at them and see what can be rebuilt on the other side. It’s likely things will be very bad, and we can just hope that people finally understand and turn their backs on this, but every day I feel that’s less likely.


I heard that New Jersey and other states forbid convicted felons from holding liquor licenses. Since Trump Incorporated (all of them) are owned by the Felon, that would shut down all the bars and liquor service at his many golf courses, their restaurants, lounges, bars, etc. etc.

Florida, of course, would immediately pass a bill of attainder exempting him.


I can’t wait to see a picture in the news of Trump walking somewhere with his wife with a caption reading “The first convict was accompanied by the first lady”


Year after year
the monkey’s mask
reveals the monkey

~ Bashō


Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years, plus substantial fines and restitution, for his role in Trump’s Stormy Daniels hush money scheme. But the principal criminal aka “Individual 1,” walks free.


He may have skated, but America’s prisoners recognize him as one of their own.


“First Felon” has a nice ring to it as quasi-official title after Jan. 20


And with that the snake slithered away again, untouched and unburdened with any normal consequences.


Unbelievable! On Jan 20th we will swear in a draft dodging, sex offending, convicted felon as POTUS! He’ll be sworn in by the Chief Justice of the most corrupted SCOTUS in our history. Obviously we no longer have a country where no one is above the law. As a small government conservative I can live with many of Trump’s “policies,” but the man is a complete asshole, and I don’t want a complete asshole as my President. If the God’s were on our side, that idiot kid in Pennsylvania would have spent much more time at the range sharpening his skills.

I can only assume that we are being punished because of the God’s distaste for WOKE, and all the idiocy it stands for. If the elites and far left wing of the Dems had not alienated so many of the working class, we would be swearing in Harris (who is not a complete asshole), and we could have weathered four years under her leadership(?).

At 80 years old, it’s too late for me to try to affect change, but it’s not to late for the rest of the country to put all the GOP representatives and senators on notice that they will eventually be held accountable for the disasters Trump creates. If they don’t control him, or at least try to mitigate the damage, they will be accessories and hopefully be held accountable under old West justice (a tall tree and a short rope). I fear the Republic cannot survive this!


It’s Mueller Time!!


This is a good question. Under the strict New York State handgun laws and even much more strict NYC handgun laws, yes. I can’t remember about long guns but think that’s applicable as well. In New York, if you are caught with a handgun and you’re not licensed (which is a strict, highly prescribed year-long process, fingerprinting, detailed background checks, a safety course) you will almost certainly do state time (eg, prison, not the county jail). Worth further investigation.


Well gee, we won a talking point. But, I’ll take what we can get. If we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can tell that mountain to move the fuck outta the way.

I’m not going to be able to do all the trump all the time 24/7 shitstorm that is headed our way.
Don’t want to see his image, don’t want to hear his gaslighting drug addled voice. Never followed him on social media and never will.
If he gets some bad news, or he fricking dies, great, I’ll get interested.

He rents no space in my head.


I think it’s more likely that the rest of us finally understand it, and embrace the reality that might (money) makes right. At least I hope my side comes to realize this. Better to be on the steamroller than crushed underneath it.


If felon and his wife were real MAGA, she would’ve delivered multiple concussions via cast iron skillet, the moment she found out he cheated with the library clerk or whoever. Justice is unequal at every level.