That’s a long, long, long way down.
And in other news about IG’s:
Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general at the Defense Department, was dismissed from his acting position at the Pentagon, making him ineligible to be the watchdog over spending to counter the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.
Fine, a career official who will remain a deputy inspector general, had been chosen for the spending role by a committee of inspectors general. The move will be seen by some as another instance of the president chafing at independent oversight.
This reminded me of that story from the transition when people tried to discuss the Constitution with Trump and he basically lost focus and/or interest after about five minutes.
Just remembering @kelaine’s reply last night to the news that Grimm had served in the Clinton administration: “So . . . she’s a Clinton holdover.”
Truthiness sucks, huh, Dotard?
I really think that 5 minutes is overstated - maybe as long as 2 minutes?
Somebody please get this guy one of those word-a-day calendars - he’d easily double his vocabulary in a week. I just can’t fathom how he got so far in life being able to communicate so poorly - maybe indicative of truly how much money can buy.
Haven’t you heard?? Government is too damn big!
Jesus Horatio Christenheimer!
Someimes you really have to wait to ge to the bottom, sometimes the bottom’s really not there and sometime’s it’s a black hole that tries to pull everything into itself.
I’m thinking this is the last of three.
She could have at least written “was seen by” many people.
Yes. Grimm was part of the Deep State before there even was a Deep State!
And, it was all done in preparation to take down Trump sometime in the future.
Damn! Bill and Hillary are good at this shit.
President Biden is going to have a lot of Medals of Freedom to hand out
Many Deserving Individuals
It would be the perfect Middle Finger to Donnie
Fact check: True.
Yes–and also missing the best shot he has at being the hero he so desperately wants to convey himself as being.
How tragic for this nation (and, yes, the world) that this man, because he refuses to acknowledge any sort of responsibility for any of this, is turning away from precisely the course of action that’d at least somewhat burnish his image of himself as a Great Leader. He refuses to try to make things more right because, in his mind, what is there to make right?
My God, what a damaged man this is–and we’re all suffering the consequences of that damage.
Yeah, cause that is what people scared of dying from a disease he ignored are really concerned about. Maybe he’d like to bitch some more about that “Mexican” judge, too.
But he totally pivoted, right?
“Grimm, who is a career official”
Doesn’t matter. He’ll still fire her and dare everyone to do something about it.
That’s mine now!
And his desperate need to shit on anything Obama…
Bogie’s performance as Captain Queeg was better - far better - but Fat Donnie’s is more dangerous - far more.