Trump Fires Off Tweetstorm On How Great He Is



Those “jokes” about serving for 14 years are seriously not funny. He’s laying the groundwork for not leaving office easily, or at least putting the thought into his supporters’ minds.


Not sure if Franken would be laughing at this or letting out a long sigh.


A regular Adonis this one…


Ask the women he has preyed upon how great he is, or the people he has cheated in business, or the American’s (with half a mind of their own) he’s screwing.


I pretty much gave up even commenting on most Trump articles 6 months after he announced his candidacy. Trying to insult him is like adding a spoonful of water in the ocean and expecting it to make a difference.


Her Majesty looks like she’s expecting to duck out of the way of a launched button from the buffoon.


Many people are saying President Grandpa has a self-leaking problem into his underpants every day. Sick!

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On today’s episode of “How to Say Things That Prove Themselves False”…

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.* harberder


Red meat to base; red meat to base. He is whipping them up and beating sane people down. It’s exhausting. Which is precisely the point.


I agree entirely. Like the people who insult someone then say “I’m just joking!!!” No, you were being serious, and hiding behind the “joking” cloak.

I’ve convinced myself that if he loses in 2020, he won’t go. Not quietly at least. I seriously believe he will refuse on some claim or other. THAT will be the true Constitutional Crisis. Or at least the last, biggest one…


How’s this for a campaign issue? His base will love it, right?

The Trump administration pulled one of its key proposals to lower drug prices that would have eliminated rebates to middlemen in Medicare, which President Trump’s top health official had touted as one of the most significant changes to curb medicine costs for consumers.

The rule is the second major drug pricing effort to get blocked this week, complicating the administration’s efforts to make lowering prescription medicine costs a key 2020 presidential campaign issue.

From comments at WaPo:

As the stable genius said:
“We gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning and you’ll say ’ please, please mister President, It’s too much winning! We can’t take it any more '”.


I think we all could use a good Mueller Friday right about now.


Back in the 60’s, when everyone’s mind was hyper-focused on the hovering menace of nuclear war and the nightmare scenario of a JFK who survived with profound brain damage, they had a once in a century chance to amend the constitution to provide for the removal of a president who was mentally unbalanced or incapacitated.

Sadly, they lived in an era when both parties were good faith participants in the project of democratic governance, shared a common understanding of objective reality, were capable of conceiving of duty to country being superior to duty to party, and when both parties ruthlessly used the levers of power to screen 95% of the nutjobs and crackpots out of Congress and couldn’t conceive of an America where all of that had broken down, which it began doing within a matter of years.

Well, and one of the crackpot nutjobs they didn’t screen out had gotten his party’s nomination a few years earlier and their asses were still chaffed from his having been called out as a nutjob, giving birth to a grievance that laid the groundwork to the party’s descent into madness as soon as the constant hovering threat of nuclear annihilation allowed a relaxation of vigilance.

And so, here we are, the nation and world’s need dire in the face of a president who is profoundly mentally ill and seemingly suffering from progressive dementia and we have an amendment for dealing with that situation that’s teats-on-a-boar useless.


The least he could do is hire someone that can help him and his kids learn how to wear a tux (and how they’re supposed to fit).

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Yeah, Ambassador Darroch was totally wrong in his assessment about Trump. This proves it.

Darroch was much too kind.


Trump has a magic mirror that shows him as young, and buff, and tall and devilishly handsome.

And after raping, or paying off a woman to have sex with him he tells himself that she was totally in to him, on account of his macho sexiness.

And then he reads the funny papers, or scans tabloids for mentions of his name, telling himself that this is a brilliant mind, second to none, in action.

In other words, a typical Trump Day.


rather than what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!

Only someone with a severe mental illness would describe himself this way.



Jesus Hamberder Christ…